Jon Sopel hits out at 'terrible' BBC 6 o'clock news coverage as Huw Edwards named

The BBC has been slammed by one of its former stars for its coverage, after Huw Edwards was named as the presenter at the centre of the cash for sex images scandal.

By Max Parry, News Reporter

Huw Edwards named as BBC presenter at centre of scandal

Former senior BBC journalist Jon Sopel has hit out at the national broadcaster, after Huw Edwards was named as the presenter at the centre of the sex images scandal.

Mr Sopel, who now fronts The News Agents podcast with former BBC stalwarts Emily Maitlis and Lewis Goodall, accused the corporation's handling of the bombshell story as being "terrible".

Taking to Twitter, he praised the BBC for its handling of the breaking news and noting Mr Edwards' mental health treatement, but then proceeded to criticise the News at Six programme and BBC Radio 4 for moving on to the allegations against the suspended presenter.

He wrote: "Dear @BBCRadio4 @BBCNews, Well done on handling the breaking news about @thehuwedwards and the fact that he’s now being treated in hospital – but to then straight off back of that into a report on him facing fresh allegations of misconduct? That was just terrible.”

Mr Sopel, who was the BBC's North America editor and prior to that worked closely with Mr Edwards, sent his best wishes to his former colleague, who is said to be receiving medical care for mental health issues.

The News Agents co-host joined Andrew Marr on his LBC radio show to add to his criticism of the BBC.

He told the programme: "I think some of my colleagues in BBC News need to look at themselves..."

The former Sunday morning political presenter, Mr Marr, asked Mr Sopel if he thought the BBC had "behaved effectively or well or rightly" in its handling of the allegations made in The Sun.

The 2007 Political Journalist of the Year replied: "Well I think the BBC is a complicated beast.

"It would be lovely to think of it as a sort of streamlined organisation where one bit knows what the other bit is doing, and the BBC is a series of totally uncoordinated limbs.

"I just thought yesterday was the classic example of it. Yesterday lunchtime you have Tim Davie saying 'we're not going to carry out any further investigations until the police have decided whether there is anything to be seen or not', meanwhile BBC News is carrying out investigations and produces a report at 4 o'clock in the afternoon saying that he [the presenter] had spoken to someone in aggressive tones and used swear words."

Brutally, he added: "And I just thought 'well hang on, does the one know what the other is doing?'".

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Jon Sopel has hit out at the BBC (Image: Getty)

Huw Edwards has been named as the BBC presenter

Huw Edwards has been named as the BBC presenter (Image: BBC)

Earlier on Wednesday, Mr Sopel disagreed with Jeremy Vine, that the then-anonymous presenter should reveal their identity, saying on his The News Agents podcast: “I think that whoever the presenter is needs to work it out himself, I cannot begin to imagine the sort of pressure, the sort of anguish, turmoil that is going on in his life.”

Following the announcement that Mr Edwards was in the eye of the storm, Mr Sopel tweeted: “This is an awful and shocking episode, where there was no criminality, but perhaps a complicated private life.

“That doesn’t feel very private now. I hope that will give some cause to reflect. They really need to. I wish ⁦@thehuwedwards⁩ well.”

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