'I kicked my mother-in-law out of delivery room when she tried to change my baby's name'

The woman was stunned when her husband's mother demanded on changing the baby's name just minutes after he was born.

By Cally Brooks, News Reporter

The woman had just given birth to her son (Image: Getty)

A new mum has opened up about kicking her mother-in-law out of the delivery room after she insisted on changing the baby's name just minutes after he was born.


The unnamed woman, 29, had planned on naming her son after her father in a sweet gesture after he died when she was just 14-years-old.

While the woman's husband, 32, agreed to the name, his "opinionated" mother made it clear she was not a fan from the get-go.

Asking for reader's opinions on Reddit, the woman explained how she had opted for just her husband being in the delivery room when his mother showed up out of the blue while she was in labour in May.

Writing on the Reddit forum AITA, she explained: "My father passed away when I was 14 and we were very close. My MIL [mother-in-law] is very opinionated about everything. She has been giving us her opinion on everything for our son.

The mother-in-law tried to change her grandson's name (Image: Getty)

"The day I was due, I only wanted husband there. He drove me to the hospital and MIL walks into the room and starts babbling on about the baby's name, feeding schedules, etc.

"I kept it together as best as I could. After my son was born, MIL was trying to talk my husband into convincing me to change his name. She asked the nurses if she could legally change his name. She even went as far as to accuse me of controlling husband into his name.

"I yelled at her to get out of the room and we will not be changing the name. She left and has been telling family members a different story. My husband has been sticking up for me and told her that nothing will be changed.

"If she continues, we will be cutting her off from seeing her grandson. Now, most of her side of the family are calling me names and demanding I apologise to MIL. She has texted me a few times calling me an AH. Am I the a******e for kicking her out?"

People flocked to the comment section to share their opinion on the situation, with the overall consensus being that she was not the a**hole.


One person wrote: "NTA [Not the a******e] and I would tell her this - you have one chance. You stop this madness now, you apologise for your behaviour and you tell everyone else to back off or this is literally the last you will ever hear from us and you will never see this child again. You are not the parent, you do not have a say and until you submit and accept this, there is nothing here for you."

Some even blamed the husband for his mother's comments, with one user writing: "How did MIL even know OP [original poster] went into labour and was going to the hospital? It seems obvious that her husband told MIL and then didn't manage her in any way. OP is obviously NTA but I'm side eyeing her husband at least a little right now."

But others rushed to his defence, with one responding: "In a normal family, I'd expect a soon-to-be new father to let his mother know that her grandchild is about to be born (though it's understandable if he doesn't have time to do so). And how was he supposed to 'manage' her? The MIL's behavior (as described) is atrocious, but I don't see any evidence that the husband did anything wrong."

The woman explained why she felt she may have been in the wrong, saying she "kicked out" her mother-in-law after the birth of her grandson.

In an update, she said: "I feel I might be the AH because I kicked out MIL. I am now being called names by some of husband's family members for kicking MIL out of the room.

"They think I am a huge AH and owe MIL an apology. I feel that my actions ruined my relationship with husband's family."