POLL: Are you ready to fight in World War 3?

NATO has drafted in 90,000 troops for training, sparking fears of World War 3. But are you ready to fight in the British Army? Vote and leave your thoughts below.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

British soldiers in training

POLL: Are you ready to fight in World War 3? (Image: Getty)

A British Army veteran has warned that it would take the "whole nation" to protect the UK if did break out.

General Sir Patrick Sanders said that Britons should be trained to form a “citizen army” ready to fight in World War Three.

But ex-Royal Marine Ben McBean said , claiming that poor conditions and pay would not incentivise people.

He told the Sun: “It's not the same as back in the day, people aren't as patriotic. That mentality is gone and it is going to be hard to get it back. You would have to drag people in kicking and screaming to get them to conscript.”

He added: “The adverts don't help, the recruiting system isn't great, the recruiting office where I live has closed down. The way the country is being run, and then people being skint and underpaid, there's not a lot of incentive to want to fight for this country, even if it's your own country.”


, insisting that Army service would remain “voluntary”.

When asked if Prime Minister Rishi Sunak could rule out in future circumstances, his official spokesman said: “There is no suggestion of that. The Government has no intention to follow through with that.

“The British military has a proud tradition of being a voluntary force. There are no plans to change that.”

The Army has faced several cuts, with troops shrinking by 28 percent over the last 12 years to around 73,000.

But what about YOU? Are you ready to fight in World War 3? Vote in our poll and join the debate in the comment section below.

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