Scots team discovers cancer breakthrough

A PROTEIN has been discovered which could have major implications for cancer treatments, it emerged last night.

New DNA discovered

Researchers at the University of Dundee described the find as “molecular scissors” which repair damaged DNA in human cells, helping to prevent mutations leading to cancer.

The protein at the centre of the development is known as FAN1 and is present in each cell.

Yesterday, one of the experts behind the discovery explained how it might help further  research against the killer disease.

John Rouse, of the university’s renowned College of Life Sciences, said the findings helped unlock a “major part of the puzzle”.

He added: “The DNA in our cells is like an instruction manual for the proper working of each cell.


“A major problem is that DNA becomes damaged regularly. If DNA damage is not fixed quickly then these instructions are changed and the result is mutations – undesirable changes in DNA – that can cause the cell to become abnormal.

“This is essentially what causes cancer.

“However, cells are very good at recognising when DNA has become damaged and they are good at finding DNA damage and repairing it.

“For example, cells can quickly detect breakages in DNA and quickly fix these breaks. Many different factors help this process but we still haven’t identified all of them or exactly how this process works. FAN1 carries out this task, and in this sense it acts like a ‘molecular scissors’.”

He added: “Our study shows that superfluous pieces of DNA are cut by FAN1.


“Cells that do not have FAN1 are unable to repair DNA breaks and their DNA becomes irreversibly damaged and cells die. This underlines the fundamental importance of FAN1.

“Now that we have identified FAN1 and the role it plays in repairing DNA we can start to develop drugs that inhibit it.

“This may have a significant effect in cancer, primarily in helping to greatly enhance the efficacy of drugs used in chemotherapy treatments.”

Most of the work on FAN1 was done by Craig MacKay, a PhD student in Dr Rouse’s team with help from Anne-Cecile Declais from the laboratory of Professor David Lilley, a world-renowned expert on proteins who is also

based at the College of Life Sciences.

The research is published in the latest edition of the journal Cell. The work was funded by the Medical Research


The University of Dundee has an international reputation in life sciences and carries out world-leading research into a number of diseases including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and tropical diseases.

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