BBC sacks senior staff member who called Jewish people 'invader species'

The BBC has sacked a woman after posts were shared on Facebook describing Jews as 'AshkeNazis' and white people as 'bloodthirsty'.

Dawn Queva was reportedly sacked by the BBC on Friday (Image: Getty)

The BBC has sacked a woman after "utterly horrific" posts criticising Israel and Zionism were shared on social media. A string of hateful messages were posted on Dawn Queva's Facebook account, one of which described the Holocaust as a "holohoax".


According to the Daily Mail Ms Queva was sacked from her job as a controller at the BBC on Friday (February 2). A spokesperson for the broadcaster told "The individual concerned is no longer employed by the BBC."

Offensive posts shared from Dawn Las Quevas-Allen's Facebook account accuse Israel of committing genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

One post reads: "26 million Russians died in WWII but all we here (sic) about and made never to forget are the JeWISH 6 million."

Another bizarre rant states: "Subcontinental European CaucAsian invader coloniser species with zero indigenous/blood on their maternal or paternal side, just a bunch of thieving squatters from a land mass north of the Mediterranean".

A series of posts appeared on Dawn Queva's Facebook account (Image: Facebook)

Another post claims Ashkenazi Jews are "a bunch of subcontinental European melanin recessive CaucAsian japhetic AshkeNazi who have no None zero zilch blood connection to the land of Palestine or Israel historically".

Veteran broadcaster Andrew Neil condemned the remarks on X, adding: "Former BBC colleagues have contacted me to say it’s 'grim' and 'frightening' to be Jewish at the BBC at the moment. Grim and frightening. At our national broadcaster. In 2024. I can’t think of anything more shameful. Or depressing. Where’s the Director General and his army of BBC executives paid large salaries to get a grip of matters like this?"

The Daily Mail reports Ms Queva "doubled down" on the posts, challenging her critics to "come at" her and her "shoulders are broad".

On Sunday night, Neil posted on X: "As I thought, it’s done. The BBC scheduler who referred to Jews as 'Nazis' and white people as 'parasites' has been fired. Good."

A spokesperson for Campaign Against Antisemitism told "These posts are utterly horrific. Racist conspiracy theories and Holocaust-denial have no place at our public broadcaster, but what is becoming increasingly tiresome is us having to point this out.


"Barely a week goes by now without some figure at the BBC publishing some inflammatory remark relating to Jews. Something is terribly rotten at the BBC.

"Clearly, she had to go, and we are also reporting the posts to the police. But the time has come for the BBC to step up and confront anti-semitism in its organisation once and for all.

"Why do cases like these keep coming up?"

It has not been possible to contact Ms Queva for comment.

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