Don't talk on mobiles...Text

FRESH concerns have been raised about mobile phone safety after a government health adviser warn­ed: Children should text not talk.

A government health adviser warn­ed: Children should text not talk on mobile phones

Existing official advice to the under-16s says the health effects of using a mobile phone are still not known.

But young people are now being told to text whenever possible and call only for short ­periods in order to be “safe not sorry”.


The new advice to parents and their children is outlined in health leaflets handed out in Wales.

Dr Tony Jewell, the chief medical officer there, said: “It is always better to be safe than sorry. We don’t expect young people to stop using mobile phones altogether, but there are steps they can take to protect their health for the future.”


Children in the rest of Britain are already told to limit their use as much as possible in order to reduce their exposure to mobile phone radiation. But the advice to text not talk is a new step in discouraging children from putting mobiles phones too close to their heads.

Although there is still no concrete evidence that mobile phones cause health problems, experts believe that children should take extra care until further research is carried out.

They believe that because children’s brains are still developing, the effects of radiation on a child might be greater than on an adult.

A number of studies have suggested that heavy mobile phone use might increase the risk of a brain tumour. But this will not be confirmed for at least another decade as it takes years for these types of cancers to grow.

John Jenkins, spokesman for the British Medical Association in Wales, welcomed the campaign.


He said: “Although there is no current evidence of a direct link between mobile phone use by children and any health problems, we agree with the chief medical officer that it would be wise for children to limit their use.”

Earlier this year, one of the Government’s leading scientific advisers said he would not recommend that children should use mobile phones at all below the age of 12.

Professor Lawrie Challis, former head of a government-funded research programme into mobiles, said it was better to be careful until more was known about the link between phones and health.

The Department of Health still advises that children can use mobiles. But a spokesman added: “If parents want to avoid their children being subject to any possible risk that might be identified in the future, the way to do so is to exercise their choice not to let their children use mobile phones.”

Last night, a mobile phone industry watchdog said the advice was “sensible”.

But Graham Philips from Powerwatch questioned why the Government was not doing a lot more to make parents across the country aware of the advice. He said: “The Government has made a massive failing in not making people aware of this.”

The Mobile Operators’ Association – which represents leading phone companies such as O2, Orange, Three, T-Mobile and Vodafone – stressed that there was no evidence of a risk to health.

Executive director John Cooke, said: “We welcome these leaflets, which reiterate the advice from the World Health Organisation that there is no need for any special precautions for the use of mobile phones for adults or children.

“A large number of studies have been performed over the last two decades to assess whether mobile phones pose a potential health risk. To date, no adverse health effects have been established for mobile phone use.

“If parents are still concerned, they can encourage their children to keep calls short, send texts, or use hands-free devices, as the leaflets advise them to do.

“Parents will also want to weigh up the tangible security benefits provided by this ­technology against the possibility of future, unknown health effects when considering ­ buying a mobile phone for their children.”

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