'50ft trees are making our lives miserable - our £500k houses could be unsellable'

Locals in Sittingbourne, Kent, fear they could be unable to sell their homes because they no longer get proper sunlight due to overgrown trees.

By Hannah Kane, News Editor, Joe Harbert

Julie Roalf on her estate

Julie Roalf says the trees have caused countless problems for residents (Image: SWNS)

Residents living in UK town say overgrown trees are making their lives a misery - and could make their homes difficult to sell.

The 50ft hybrid black poplar trees in Sunstone Drive, Sittingbourne, Kent, block out natural light and fallen leaves cause people to slip and injure themselves, locals say. Some felled trees have even done damage to homes in the past - and homeowners say they've been warned that the lack of light could even mean the properties are less attractive to potential buyers.

But despite consistent complaints over many years, residents claim Swale Borough Council (SBC) has so far failed to sufficiently address the problem.

Julie Roalf lives on Sunstone Drive in the Sonora Fields suburb, where some homes sell for nearly half a million pounds.

The 59-year-old, who is an above-knee amputee, says the problems have significantly worsened in the past five years.

The mum-of-one said: "When the leaves drop, and there are a lot of them, they're wet and cause me to fall. I can't count how many times I have fallen over as there are twigs and branches too.

overgrown trees with leaves on the floor

Leaves litter the floor underneath the trees (Image: SWNS)

"We can't really see outside all that well when the sun isn't out because of how dark it is. The fact they are above a three-storey house just shows they're too high - especially when they're brushing against it.

"They're all leaning as well with none of them straight and the sap also goes on the car and on the windows.

"When we get a storm or even just windy weather, it is quite frightening - I always park my car around the side out the way.

"So it does worry me now about the house's foundations."

Mrs Roalf, who works in a charity shop, and her husband Steve have lived in their home for the past 18 years.

overgrown trees

The trees are 50ft high (Image: SWNS)

But the couple complained that no work had been carried out by the council to cut back the trees since before the pandemic.

"They are lovely houses here, but we've been trying for at least five years to get this sorted," Mrs Roalf said.

"All that has ever happened is a couple of trees have been taken down which were really leaning or had already fallen. They have also trimmed up some of the lower branches so we can drive down the road, but they have never been topped.

"I get a different story every time I phone. The last I was told was the trees would be reduced by a third in October, but that never happened.

"I then contacted the council again in December and they said they would be trimmed in January, but that also didn't happen."

Mrs Roalf added the trees led to mental as well as physical problems for residents, saying: "It can be very depressing.

"The house is so dark most of the time, and when my mother-in-law was living with us upstairs before she passed, her time here could have been improved if the issue had been sorted.

"We have to have the lights on in the house a lot too - my husband gets in shortly after lunch and straightaway he puts them on." We had an estate agent who came over a little while ago when the house was on the market, and he said the darkness may affect how quickly the house is sold."

Fellow resident Amanda Anderson, 40, says one tree on her street has already fallen down.

"There is potential for them to fall and cause damage to the property," the mum-of-three said.

overgrown trees

Residents say they get worried during storms (Image: SWNS)

"One did fall down in the past but luckily fell the other way. So as lovely as they can look, they're definitely a danger."

SBC said: "We are aware of the tree inquiries in Sunstone Drive and have pruned and cut out several of the closest trees in the past.

"We have already assessed the current situation and will issue work in accordance with our tree maintenance policy."

However, James Hunt, SBC's Conservative ward councillor for the area, said work needed to be done quickly to address the problem.

"The trees at Balas Drive play area/Sunstone Drive are in dire need of management," he said.

"While some tree work has been done across the estate, I have been pushing for better management for years and it seemed like we were getting somewhere.

overgrown trees

Residents say they are plunged into darkness by the towering trees (Image: SWNS)

"But it is frustrating it appears this is down the council's priority list when mismanagement like this has an impact on residents living nearby."

Other Sonora Fields residents said felled trees near them had already caused damage to their homes.

Emma Tench says she urgently called contractors to trim trees back outside her home in Argent Way October after her neighbour's windows were shattered by branches in the high winds.

Six months later Mrs Tench, whose mother was also struck in the face by a branch from an overgrown tree, says she's still concerned.

"The initial cut-back has happened, but the trees still haven't been topped," she said.

"If you walk down the pathways outside of [around 15] homes, you'll see the trees are as tall as the houses and still can cause damage."

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