Moment Palestine mob clash with police as protesters block government building

As many as 1,000 protesters have descended on the Department for Business and Trade in central London as officers desperately try to take control.

By Hannah Kane, News Editor, Christopher Sharp, News Reporter

Palestine protest

As many as 1,000 people have descended on central London (Image: Free Palestine/@Workers4Pal/X)

A mob of pro-Palestinian protesters have descended on London today, sparking chaos. Videos show hundreds of demonstrators crowded outside the Department for Business and Trade building in Admiralty Place as police desperately try to contain the unrest.

As many as 1,000 Workers for a Free Palestine activists are waving flags and letting off flares outside the building. Other videos show police frantically running after the group, trying to contain the situation.

The group is protesting against the Government’s refusal to suspend the sale of UK arms to Israel. The demonstration is one of a number happening across the UK today, with others taking place in Glasgow, South Wales and Lancashire.

Protesters in London

Thousands of protesters have taken to the UK's streets as part of pro-Palestine demonstrations (Image: @revsoc21/X)

Pro-Palestine protesters in the UK

Protests are taking place across the country outside factories (Image: PA)

One organiser for Workers for a Free Palestine, Tania, who did not wish to give her full name, said the Government was ignoring "the will of the people".

She said: "Our movement forced the issue of an arms embargo onto the table and polling shows the majority of the British public want to see arms sales to Israel banned, yet the Government and also the Labour Party continue to ignore the will of the people.

“The Government has sought to play down the scale of its arms supplies to Israel, but the reality is UK arms and military support play a vital role in the Israeli war machine, and evidence that three British aid workers were killed by a drone partly produced in the UK shows the extent of British complicity in Israel’s genocide."

Protesters blockading a factory

Protesters are blockading factories across the UK as part of a co-ordinated wave of protests (Image: PA)

In a statement on X, formerly known as Twitter, Workers for a Free Palestine said: "British workers are enforcing an embargo through direct action in response to a call from Palestinian trade unions.

"A wave of People’s Arms Embargoes is sweeping across England, Scotland and Wales, as workers and trade unionists shut down factories used by the UK’s leading military goods manufacturer, BAE Systems, and the Department for Business and Trade, which enables this genocide profiteering.

"Civil servants in the trade department have requested to cease work immediately on arms export licences to Israel and their union, PCS, is considering bringing legal action to prevent members from being forced to carry out unlawful acts which contribute to war crimes in Gaza.

"If arms company bosses and Britain’s political elite won’t impose an arms embargo, we, the workers, will continue enforcing it from below."

In a statement, the Metropolitan Police said: "We are policing a protest in Admiralty Place and Horse Guards Parade. Officers have made three arrests after protesters blocked access to a building. Protesters must stay within the law."

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