Moment reckless yob drives moped down aisles of JD Sports in front of horrified shoppers

Police descended on a JD Sports branch in Newcastle after Kavan Conroy, 21, was spotted weaving between terrified shoppers.

By Victoria Chessum, Assistant News Editor

Kavan Conroy, 21, weaved his bike in and out of aisles as customers shopped in JD Sports (Image: SWNS)

In a shocking display of public recklessness, 21-year-old Kavan Conroy was caught on camera riding a moped through the aisles of a bustling JD Sports store.


The young rogue, who has a history of theft and criminal damage, was seen dodging customers in Newcastle's pedestrian zone without a helmet and with no number plate on his vehicle.

Conroy boldly entered the sports retailer with his hazard lights on, as bewildered shoppers looked on. The incident, which took place on March 21, was recorded by the store's CCTV system.

The police were quick to track down Conroy, arresting him at Eldon Square close by. During his arrest, Conroy lashed out, hurling abuse at officers and kicking another in the face as he was bundled into a police van. 

Conroy, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to charges including dangerous driving, threatening behaviour, no insurance, driving without a licence, and assaulting an emergency worker.

Conroy was sentenced to 11 months behind bars (Image: SWNS)

His court appearance at Newcastle Crown Court on May 10 resulted in an 11-month prison sentence and a driving ban.

Chief Superintendent Barrie Joisce of Northumbria Police condemned Conroy's actions post-trial, and added: "Conroy's actions were disgraceful on the day he carried out these offences and he is now rightly behind bars.

"He showed a complete disregard for the safety and welfare of others by riding a moped down a pedestrian area before going on to assault one our officers."

Chief Superintendent Joisce also expressed relief that Conroy's antics did not result in serious injury, noting that the offender will have time in custody to contemplate his reckless behaviour.


The 21-year-old pleaded guilty to a range of charges (Image: SWNS)

"I hope that Conroy's sentencing serves as a warning to anyone intent on coming into Newcastle city centre to commit crime: We will find you and you will be brought to justice.

"No-one, whether that is people working in businesses in the city, visitors or locals, should have to tolerate the type of offending Conroy carried out on March 21."

Conroy's sentencing comes as police and other agencies launch a crackdown on crime and anti-social behaviour in Newcastle.

Councillor Paula Maines, Cabinet member for a Resilient City at Newcastle City Council, said: "Conroy's actions were completely unacceptable and we won't tolerate this sort of reckless behaviour in our city."

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