Brits drinking too much costs £72 billion a year on health and social harms

On average, alcohol costs us £485 a year for health and social care.

By Matt Jackson, Content Editor

Empty spilled glass of beer on table.

Calls are now being made to come up with an alcohol strategy. (Image: Getty)

New figures revealed that around £27 billion a year in England is being spent on combating the pressures of alcoholism

Research found the extra burden on the health, social services and the criminal justice system is at least 37 percent higher now than it was 21 years ago.

At that time, it was estimated to be between £18.5bn and £20bn. 

The Instituteof Alcohol Studies (IAS) says it calculated drinking has a cost the NHS £4.9bn a year, of which £3bn of that was from alcohol-related trips to A&E or hospital, reports the Guardian

Official figures meanwhile showed a record 10,048 people in 2022 died from alcohol-specific causes. 

Furthermore, alcohol is linked to numerous health issues such as seven types of cancer, ardiovascular disease, cirrhosis, stroke and digestive problems.

Alcohol is said to have a much wider impact on society. The IAS says it costs the criminal jutice £14.6bn. 

Social services coughs up nearly £3bn a year dealing with the impact of drinking on individuals and families.

It is though economically inactive people due to alcohol costs nearly £1bn with an estimated £4bn wasted due to the impact on productivity.

Alcoholic with relationship difficulties

Alcohol costs health services billions. (Image: Getty)

Across the population, the IAS says it would have cost an average of £485 a year, rising to £562 a year for people living in the north-east.

The Commons health and social care select committee will hear about the impacts of drinking next week.

Speaking to the Guardian, Dr Katherine Severi, the IAS chief executive, said the data was compelling: She said: “As a country we cannot afford to sit back and do nothing. The government should develop a comprehensive alcohol strategy to tackle this rising harm, which would have a knock-on effect of reducing the financial burden too."

Dr Sarah Clarke, the president of the Royal College of Physicians, said: “Urgent action is needed to tackle the harm caused by alcohol. The cost to individuals and society is huge and growing year on year."

A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said: “Through our 10-year drug strategy, supported by £532m, we are helping up to 54,500 more people receive alcohol and drug support, and we are also funding specialist alcohol care teams in hospitals in England with the highest rates of alcohol harm and socioeconomic deprivation.

“Last August the government also introduced reforms to alcohol duty, meaning products are taxed directly in proportion to their alcohol content, and we are reviewing the official cost of alcohol harm estimates to support us in our efforts to address the harms associated with alcohol.”

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