Who was Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi? And who is his replacement Mohammad Mokhber?

Iran in mourning after the death of its leader in a helicopter crash - but who was he and who is his replacement?

By Mark Reynolds, Daily Express News Reporter

Iran's president died in a helicopter crash - plunging the country into political chaos (Image: Getty)

Once dubbed ‘the Butcher of Tehran’, Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi was an uncompromising and ruthless hard-line cleric - second in command only to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

But his interim replacement Mohammad Mokhber is unlikely to herald any positive change, being a man very much from the same school or thought as his predecessor.

Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash on Sunday, was the first Iranian leader to order direct attacks on Israel, Raisi was also believed to have part-inspired the Hamas assault which began the war in Gaza.

His election in 2021 saw the 63-year-old former judiciary chief succeed Hassan Rouhani after a landslide victory.

But the poll also saw many prominent more moderate and reformist candidates barred and the majority of voters stayed away.
An outspoken critic of the West, regional tensions have soared since his election and his death is unlikely to be mourned by many western governments.


Raisi was born in 1960 in Mashhad, Iran's second biggest city and home to the country's holiest Shia Muslim shrine. His father, who was also a cleric, died when he was five years old.

Raisi, who wore a black turban identifying him in Shia tradition as a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, followed his father's footsteps and started attending a seminary in the holy city of Qom at the age of 15.

While a student he took part in protests against the Western-backed Shah, who was eventually toppled in 1979 in an Islamic Revolution led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

After the revolution he joined the judiciary and served as a prosecutor in several cities while being trained by Ayatollah Khamenei, who became Iran's president back in 1981.

But his fearsome reputation as a hardliner began when Raisi became the deputy prosecutor in Tehran when he was only 25.


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He would soon be branded ‘the Butcher of Tehran’ for his subsequent actions.For while in that position he served as one of four judges who sat on secret tribunals set up in 1988 that came to be known as the "Death Committee".

The tribunals "re-tried" thousands of prisoners already serving jail sentences for their political activities. Most were members of the leftist opposition group Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), also known as the People's Mujahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI).

The exact number of those who were sentenced to death by the tribunals is not known, but human rights groups have said about 5,000 men and women were executed and buried in unmarked mass graves in what constituted a crime against humanity.

When later asked in 2021 about his alleged role in the mass executions, Raisi told reporters: "If a judge, a prosecutor, has defended the security of the people, he should be praised... I am proud to have defended human rights in every position I have held so far."

A year after his election in 2021, the Islamic Republic was shaken by mass protests demanding the end of clerical rule.

The "Woman, Life, Freedom" movement was sparked the death in custody of Mahsa Amini, a young woman who had been detained by morality police in Tehran for allegedly wearing her hijab "improperly". Authorities denied she was mistreated, but a UN fact-finding mission found she was "subjected to physical violence that led to her death".

Raisi vowed to "deal decisively" with the unrest and authorities suppressed them with force.

They have not released an official death toll, but the UN mission said credible figures suggested that as many as 551 protesters were killed by security forces, most of them by gunfire. The government says 75 security personnel were killed.

More than 20,000 other protesters were reportedly detained and nine young male protesters were executed.

More recently, as the war in Gaza had raged, Raisi supported the decision to launch more than 300 drones and missiles at Israel in retaliation for a deadly strike on the Iranian consulate in Syria.

He said the missile and drone strikes had shown "the steely determination of our nation".

While little is known about his personal life, Raisi was married to Jamileh Alamolhoda, the daughter of an ultraconservative cleric, and together they had two daughters.

But his replacement Mokhber is cut from a similar cloth.

Born on September 1, 1955, Mokhber, just like Raisi before him, is seen as a close ally to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who still has the last say in all matters of state.

He has previously been head of Setad, an investment fund linked to the supreme leader.

Mokhber became first vice president of the country back in 2021 when Raisi was elected president.

As interim president, he will now be part of a three-person council, along with the speaker of parliament and the head of the judiciary, that will organise a new presidential election within 50 days of the president's death.

But like his predecessor, he also has strong links to Russia and Vladimir Putin.

Mokhber was part of a team of Iranian officials who visited Moscow in October 2022 and agreed to supply surface-to-surface missiles and more drones to Russia's military.

The team also included two senior officials from Iran's Revolutionary Guards and an official from the Supreme National Security Council.

The new leader also has a strained relationship with the West.

In 2010, the European Union included Mokhber on a list of individuals and entities it was sanctioning for alleged involvement in "nuclear or ballistic missile activities". Two years later, it removed him from the list.

But he is considered intelligent, and has two doctoral degrees, including a doctorate academic paper (and an MA) in international law and a doctorate in management.

He rose through the ranks of Iranian politics after starting his career as an officer in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps's medical corps during the Iran-Iraq War.

Like his predecessor who was married with children, little is known of his personal life.
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