Unique RHS Chelsea sensory garden is designed by and for stroke survivors

When the Stroke Association decided to create their very first RHS Chelsea show garden, they sought out stroke survivor and landscape designer Miria Harris.

By Chris Riches, North-West Correspondent

A garden designed by a stroke survivor to help others recover from the life-changing condition has been unveiled by TV presenter Myleene Klass - at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. 

The Stroke Association have launched their first ever garden at the world famous horticultural event, coinciding with Stroke Awareness Month, and created by stroke survivor Miria Harris. 


Five-year-old stroke survivor Freddie Rushton placed the final trowel of soil onto the garden alongside Miria - with the pair joined by musician and TV presenter Myleene Klass. 

Myleene, 46, recently wrote the practical skills book, 'They Don’t Teach This at School' which features the warning signs of a stroke and the FAST (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) symptoms test. 

And after being displayed this week at RHS Chelsea, the 'Garden for Recovery; will be moved to its permanent location by the stroke unit at Chapel Allerton Hospital, Leeds - providing a place for connection and rest for stroke survivors.

Myleene Klass opens garden at RHS Chelsea with stroke survivors Freddie Rushton and Miria Harris (Image: handout)

The garden is a mixture of colours, scents and the sound of water with interconnected pathways - to represent the difficult road to recovery with its ups and downs. 

It's been shaped by designer Miria’s own experience of suffering a stroke in 2019 - which left her with speech disorder  aphasia - as well as the stories of other survivors. 

Miria says: "Stroke can change your life profoundly. It did mine. It is definitely not as simple as just getting better. 

"There are many bumps in the road and recovery is not linear. But with support, there’s hope. I wanted to design an immersive, calm and optimistic space to support stroke survivors of all ages and needs. 

"Somewhere for visitors to gently move around, to take time to stop, rest and reflect. It’s a place to be alone or connect with loved ones.

"After the disconnecting experience of stroke, the reconnection with people I love and with nature has been hugely important. 


"My story and the stories that I have learned from speaking to other survivors have been the inspiration for this garden."

Young stroke survivor Freddie Rushton at RHS Chelsea (Image: handout)

Myleene Klass opens garden at RHS Chelsea with stroke survivor Freddie Rushton (Image: handout)

The garden is sponsored by Project Giving Back, the grant-giving charity that funds gardens for good causes at RHS Chelsea Flower Show. 

Miria added: "Project Giving Back has enabled me to combine my passion for designing gardens and landscapes with the opportunity to help raise the profile of the Stroke Association and the work they do, a charity that as a stroke survivor myself, is very personal to me." 

This week little Freddie did some final touches with parents Sarah and Rob, who own topsoil company Topsoil and More, and who generously donated 100 tonnes of soil and compost to help create the garden and its future relocation. 

Freddie, from Stoke-on-Trent, was just four when he had a stroke in May 2023, after Sarah and Rob realised he was unable to stand up and then collapsed due to weakness down his left side. 

An MRI scan picked up that Freddie’s stroke was caused by a restriction of his blood vessels which stopped the blood flow - and later a lumber puncture found it was caused by a previous chickenpox virus infection.

Myleene Klass, Freddie Rushton and Miria Harris at RHS Chelsea (Image: handout)
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Sarah explained: "Freddie had had chickenpox eleven months earlier, but we never thought it could cause this. The virus had actually caused the restriction of blood in the vessels in his brain which led to the stroke." 

After his diagnosis, doctors said it was 50-50 whether Freddie would be able to move his left side or walk again - and initially he needed a feeding tube and had to learn how to swallow again. 

Now discharged his movement has improved but he has also been left with problems with his speech, concentration and emotional regulation - and his school start in September has been delayed. 

While for his parents, it’s the fear of Freddie having another stroke that is causing a lot of anxiety and he takes lifetime aspirin to thin his blood in the event of another stroke.

Stroke survivor and horticulturalist Miria Harris' Stroke Association RHS show garden (Image: handout)

Sarah said: "We’ve had to go back to A&E multiple times with Freddie. 

"Every day we don’t know what’s coming, it makes you feel paranoid if he gets a headache or seems a little bit more unstable or behaves differently than usual. We just have to take each day as it comes. 

"Now we feel like we’re grieving for the child we thought we would see grow up and we both suffer from the trauma of what happened to Freddie. We are grieving for the life that we pictured for him but that we just don’t think he will have." 

Sarah, Freddie and family are now working with the Stroke Association, to raise awareness of strokes, especially in children and younger people, beginning with launching the charity’s Garden for Recovery. 

Last autumn we launched a new health campaign with the Stroke Association to boost 24/7 nation-wide access to a 'wonder' procedure, and increase long-term support and rehabilitation to stroke patients.

The incredible, sensory garden created at RHS Chelsea by Miria Harris (Image: handout)

One in four strokes in the UK hit working-age people, with a third of those unable to return to their careers afterwards – meanwhile 400 children a year suffer one. 

A treatment called thrombectomy could help one in 10 of stroke patients - but getting access is a postcode lottery, with no service in some areas and restricted hours in others. 

Over 88,000 people survive a stroke every year in the UK, but surviving a stroke is just the start of a long and traumatic recovery journey. 

Juliet Bouverie OBE, Chief Executive of the Stroke Association, said: "We are thrilled to have the honour of presenting a show garden at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2024 and we hope it will be an extraordinary occasion for Freddie, Sarah and family too. 

"Our presence at the show will help us to achieve our ambitious new goal; to reach everyone with stroke support as quickly as possible after their stroke, while also creating a beautiful, lasting legacy which will support stroke survivors throughout their recovery for many years to come."

A view of the beautiful Miria Harris garden (Image: handout)

For more information about the Stroke Association and the Stroke Association’s Garden for Recovery, visit www.stroke.org.uk/rhs