Families in rubbish row after council rejects bin bags with wrong handles

Cornwall Council has been slammed by residents for its new waste collection scheme, which has left potentially thousands of families without bins.

By Matt Jackson, Content Editor

rubbish bags in Cornwall

Cornwall Council refused to collect bags with the wrong colour handle. (Image: SWNS)

Families have been left both "confused" and "furious" after their council refused to collect rubbish bags because they had the "wrong coloured handle".

The issue lies in the colour of the handles on gull-proof bags, which are black instead of the required white. This has resulted in waste not being collected for weeks.

The council's decision has been criticised as wasteful and ironic, given that the scheme is intended to promote recycling but is instead causing more waste.

However, the council maintains that the new "standardised" service will be highly effective.

A tag saying rubbish has been uncollected

Residents found tags saying their rubbish was not collected. (Image: SWNS)

Julie Elworthy, 61, a local resident, described the situation as "an absolute nightmare" and a "waste of tax payers money".

She said: "It took 12 telephone calls, nine emails, a chat with the county councillor calls to Biffa and direct complaints.

"There has been no accountability - the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing. But last Wednesday was the last straw - I had to take our rubbish up to Saltash tip, 34 miles away, it was very time consuming but we couldn't leave all the rubbish piling at the bottom of the lane."

It was only after Julie threatened to withhold her council tax payment - for the first time in 42 years - that a bin was finally delivered to her door the day following her warning.

Julie, a lifelong resident of Millbrook village, has slammed the council for failing to deliver on services paid for by Council tax, stating: "The council were in breach of what we were paying for - by paying council tax we have been paying for a service that they have not been delivering."

Julie Elworthy

Julie Elworthy has described the situation as an "absolute nightmare" (Image: SWNS)

She also highlighted the environmental impact of the council's actions, saying: "People have their own bins! It's hardly green."

"Where are the sacks going to go now? It's crazy and such a waste. It is ludicrous.

"We are all interested in saving the planet, but I feel so sorry for families who haven't had their waste collected in weeks - there are nappies building up."

Julie further criticised the council's approach to waste management: "It's all just more plastic going into landfill - the council are way off."

She condemned the new waste collection system as ineffective and environmentally unsound: "This 'service' has been three years in the making and they still haven't gotten it right - it's certainly not a cost-saving exercise or an environmental one."

Previously, residents who couldn't use standard black bins due to space constraints purchased seagull-proof sacks with black handles from the council.

Uncollected rubbish bag

Families have been left furious after their bins weren't collected (Image: SWNS)

However, with the introduction of a new standardised scheme, the council now provides nearly identical black sacks, only with white handles instead of black.

Residents have been instructed to put their old black sacks with black handles into the new sacks with white handles for disposal. Yet many say they haven't received the new bins and continue to leave their rubbish out in regular sacks, which are not being picked up.

Julie revealed that they were notified about the recycling scheme alteration through leaflets delivered to their door and newsletters from the parish council last November. They were supposed to receive new bins in April, but these only arrived last week.

Cornwall residents have taken to social media to voice their opinions and concerns about the change. One individual labelled the scheme a "disaster", while another called it a "waste of taxpayers money".

One disgruntled resident wrote about their loss of faith in the council and demanded a refund of their council tax. They added: "We don't get a refuse collection, or bus service, or have any kids, or need social care."

"We very rarely see a policeman. Nor do we have any faith in Cornwall Council or our MP. Can we have a refund of our council tax please?"

Sea gull standing on a pole.

The bags are designed to keep out seagulls. (Image: Getty)

Another resident complained: "I have been declined multiple times for an extra bin or sack and you guys declined to take my rubbish."

"Which will eventually become a pile. And eventually and I hope not will attract rodents."

"I have been pushed from pillar to post as nobody can be bothered to help me."

Yet another said: "My current bin is 31 years old and shows no signs of breaking any time soon! What an absolute waste to stop using it and spend energy replacing it for no reason other than colour... ".

In response to the criticism, Cornwall Council stated: "Our new recycling and rubbish collection service is aimed at encouraging everyone to reduce their waste and increase their recycling."

"To help with this we are supplying all residential properties with a new and standardised 180-litre bin or sack which we will collect from the kerbside every fortnight."

"All rubbish must fit into the new bin or sack which our crews can monitor to ensure that residents are not exceeding the amount of rubbish they can put out."

"It also ensures that every household has a bin or sack that is the correct size and in good working order."

"Once the new waste service is in your area our crews will only collect rubbish from the new bins or sacks that we have provided."

"If you have an old bin or sack, we encourage you to repurpose it where possible, for example as garden storage."

"As part of our new waste collection service for Cornwall we are asking residents for the first time to limit the amount of rubbish they can dispose of to what can fit in their bin or protective sack every fortnight."

"In order for our collection crews to apply the new rule for limiting their rubbish they need to be able to see clearly that only the new grey bins or white-handled sacks that we have issued are being used to put out rubbish and that no additional rubbish containers which residents may still have are being put out for collection as well."

"We're encouraging anyone who has an existing sack to repurpose it or alternatively we can collect residents' old sacks once their new rubbish collection starts if they book it at www.cornwall.gov.uk/bindelivery once the service opens for their area."

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