Mum takes knife crime crusade to Downing Street to save more lives from knives

EXCLUSIVE - When Leanne Ekland's son Max and his friend were fatally stabbed out getting food, she and friend Carly Kingdon vowed to create knife crime change.

By Chris Riches, North-West Correspondent

A grieving mum has been praised at 10 Downing Street for asking that every secondary school pupil be taught how to use a bleed kit, and the devastating effects of knife crime.

Leanne Ekland, 45, saw her world shattered when bright 16-year-old son Max Dixon and his best friend Mason Rist, 15, were fatally stabbed while popping out for a pizza in Bristol last January.


She and close friend Carly Kingdon, 35, are now seeking to install more bleed kits around the UK - and lessons in using them and the consequences of carrying knives on the National Curriculum.

And in what is Knife Crime Awareness Week the pair, the Daily Express and their local councillor - Bristol South Tory Parliamentary Candidate Liz Brennan - visited 10 Downing Street to be praised for their campaign.

Meeting them at her 'Inspiring Women' reception, Chief Secretary to the Treasury Laura Trott MP told Leanne and Carly: "I've read all about what you've been doing - it's such great campaign."

Mum Leanne Ekland, friend Carly Kingdon, MP Laura Trott and Cllr Liz Brennan (Image: handout)
Afterwards, Laura Trott MP told the Daily Express: "It was wonderful to meet so many brilliant and inspiring women from across the country at Downing Street this week.
"Both Leanne and Carly are real champions of their community and it was a real pleasure and honour to celebrate their vital work, alongside the Parliamentary Candidate for Bristol South Liz Brennan.
"We must break the tragic cycle of violence that drives gang-led knife crime, and their work will help to do this."
And thrilled Leanne told us that the No.10 visit has given her even more fight to keep pushing for more knife crime awareness in our schools.
Mum-of-four Leanne said: "Laura said she had read about our campaign and was really pleased to meet us. It has given me a real boost and made me more determined than ever.
"Carly has been incredible leading the way creating the Max Dixon Foundation charity to help fund more bleed kits around the UK in schools, on buses, trains and community centres.
"We must educate young people more, formally in schools on the curriculum, about exactly what carrying knives can lead to - and how dangerous knives are."

Anti-knife campaigners Carly Kingdon, Leanne Ekland and Liz Brennan (Image: handout)
Carly, her husband Dan, 37, her dad Mike Alden, 57, mum Linda, 53, and Carly's brother Scott all run Park Knowle FC - the football club where Max captained the U-16s and where played from the age of eight.
Carly told us: "We are fundraising to have our own bleed kits put together and distributed so they can be easily accessible in communities.

"But on top of that, education is key. We have to do more. The visit to Downing Street was an amazing experience and give our campaign real energy."
While Cllr Liz Brennan remarked: "I was so honoured to have accompanied Carly and Leanne - these knife tragedies keep happening and they need to stop."
Recent Office of National Statistics data shows knife-enabled crime in 2023 soared by 7 per cent to 49,489 offences, compared with 2022 - and just this week two teachers and a pupil stabbed at a school in south-west Wales.
Last month the Daily Express told how Leanne and Carly, of Knowle West, Bristol, launched a petition calling on the government to "Make bleed kit training part of the secondary school curriculum."
Their petition needs 10,000 signatures for the Government to look at the call, and 100,000 signatures for the idea to be debated in parliament.

Leanne with her devoted son Max (Image: handout)
Mark Shelford, Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon and Somerset, said: "I welcome the efforts by Liz, Leanne, and Carly for campaigning on this important issue.
"If we are to truly tackle this issue we must reach out to young people in schools and colleges and give them a positive relationship with the police and a stronger stake in society."
Currently the curriculum says secondary school pupils should know about gangs and exploitation - as well as laws relating to "abuse, grooming, coercion, harassment, rape and domestic abuse."
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Leanne, Max and his three loving sisters (Image: handout)
Meanwhile pupils are also currently taught "concepts of basic first-aid, for example dealing with common injuries, including head injuries" and how to raise the alarm for help.
But Liz, Carly and Leanne are calling for compulsory teaching of the danger of carrying knives, how knife crime can affect not just victims but their families - and also how to use a bleed kit in case of an emergency.
Last month Liz, Leanne and Carly met Schools Minister Damian Hinds at Westminster to launch their call for bleed kit use and knife crime to be taught in all secondary schools.
Schools minister Damian Hinds told the Daily Express how schools already "tailor teaching to suit issues their pupils face", including knife crime in the ‘criminal exploitation’ section of the relationships, sex and health curriculum (RSHE).
He added: "The compulsory RSHE curriculum already includes a range of relevant content, including first aid and seeking support from the emergency services."

Doting mum Leanne with Max as a little boy (Image: handout)
Seven people have been charged - five with murder - over the deaths of Max and Mason. They remain in custody. A provisional trial date of 7th October has been fixed for the group facing murder charges.
They include four youths, aged 14, 15, 16 and 17, and Anthony Snook, 44. While Jamie Ogbourne, 26,  and Bailey Westcott, 22, are both accused of two charges of assisting an offender.
* To sign the petition visit -

Leanne, Liz and Carly in Westminster with Schools Minister Damian Hinds (Image: handout)