Cystic fibrosis deal makes wonder drugs available for all new patients

EXCLUSIVE - Delighted cystic fibrosis sufferers have toasted victory after a five-year Daily Express campaign for life-saving drugs for sufferers on the NHS reached a successful conclusion.

By Chris Riches, North-West Correspondent

The NHS has signed a permanent deal for cystic fibrosis wonder drugs (Image: Getty)

Thanks to pressure from CF campaigners and this newspaper, anyone born with the condition will now get access to the wonder drugs which prolong their lives.


The delighted parents of one-year-old Dexter Newton, who will now get access to the drugs, said: "Dexter will now have the chance of a full life not restricted by this genetic disease. It's amazing."

CF sufferer Carlie Pleasant, 34, who helped launch our campaign for access to the drugs, said: "This is fantastic news - for anyone in the UK who has this cruel condition and for the generations yet to come."

CF is a life-limiting genetic condition that slowly clogs the lungs with thick mucus, with over 11,000 sufferers in the UK and 100,000 in the world - and before 2019 there was no effective treatment on the NHS.

Following a Daily Express campaign launched in February 2019 - by October of that year the first of three drugs by US pharma giant Vertex - Orkambi, Symkevi and finally new CF wonder pill Kaftrio - became available to UK patients and are currently enjoyed by around 8,000 sufferers.

But last autumn NHS drug approvers the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) gave draft guidance that despite transforming patients' lives, they are too costly for any new or future CF patients to have.

It would not have affected those already on it - but could have meant current CF patients had them while any newborn CFers would have been denied them. 

Now - following huge outcry among campaigners and this newspaper - NHS England (NHSE) has announced they have struck a permanent deal with Vertex which will pave the way for all the UK to have access to their pipeline of current - and potentially pending negotiations- future treatments now and forever.

Carlie of Sittingbourne, Kent, said: "When I first started campaigning for access to CF drugs in 2018 a deal looked a long way off and it was so frustrating to know that these drugs existed but we couldn't get them.

"When we got the initial deal with Vertex in October 2019 it was amazing and we celebrated - but we knew it was an interim deal which NICE still had to rubber stamp.

"When they announced last autumn that they were going to stop access for future CF patients due to the cost of the drugs it was heartbreaking.

"It made me think about all those children sadly yet to be born with CF denied the treatments that the rest of us.

"Now this has been agreed today I'm elated. It makes me want to celebrate all over again."

The long-awaited news could not come at a better time as today(Fri) is 'Wear Yellow Day', the culmination of CF Week, where people fundraise for charity the Cystic Fibrosis Trust that supports sufferers and their families.

The news is even more exciting as the NHSE deal includes a commitment to “work together on a path” for potential access to as yet unlicensed future Vertex treatments like the 'Vanza Triple' - even better than Kaftrio and early data shows left children with no actual signs of CF in their body.

David Ramsden, chief executive of the CF Trust, said: "This is a fantastic moment for many people with CF and their families – ending uncertainty and helping to ensure that everyone who can benefit is able to access these vital medicines – now and in the future.

"We should not forget though that these treatments are not a cure and simply don’t work for some people.

"With the support of our incredible community, clinicians, and researchers a lot has been achieved but we know there is still lots more to do."


NHS England’s director of specialised commissioning John Stewart said: "We know this is the news that people living with cystic fibrosis and their families have been waiting for.

"Thanks to this NHS deal, thousands of patients including young children will be able to have a much better quality of life whether that is being able to walk to school or ride a bike for the first time.

"The NHS has a strong track record of offering people with cystic fibrosis life-changing treatments with 8,000 people now benefitting – and today’s deal gives families security knowing that they will be guaranteed access to these drugs for years to come."

CF is caused by a faulty gene which controls the movement of salt and water in and out of your cells, meaning sticky mucus clogs up your lungs and bowels making it hard to breathe and digest food.

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Drugs are appraised in the UK through the four nations' different bodies but the guidance from NICE in England heavily decides the outcomes in the rest of the UK.

Once a new treatment has a licence, drug appraisal bodies weigh up the price a company has asked for against clinical data and recommend whether or not the NHS should make it available.

The NHS is legally obliged to fund drugs recommended by these bodies.

However, it also works the other way. If a drug is not recommended, then the NHS is not obliged to fund it.

After the campaign by the CF Trust, families and the Daily Express, NHSE in October 2019 agreed a rare interim access agreement for all four nations for Vertex's CF drugs - on the proviso that NICE would appraise the drugs while patients were already taking them instead.

But last autumn NICE dropped their bombshell draft guidance saying despite the three drugs being clinically effective treatments, their 'list price'

was too high for full-scale, long-term NHS use.

Heartbroken families with CF babies told us of their upset that their tots would now be denied lifesaving drugs - while older patients already on the pills would get to stay on them and enjoy full, happy lives.

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After a backlash, NICE paused their final ruling - and urged NHSE and Vertex to sit down and thrash out a discounted deal that would save current and future lives but also be value for money for UK taxpayers.

Now - after years of fighting - a deal is finally in place that secures Vertex's current and future treatments which around 8,000 sufferers are taking in the UK as we speak.

The Daily Express is committed to fighting until 100 per cent of sufferers have access, as around 1,000 patients have such rare CF mutations no existing drug works for them.

The remaining 2,000 are toddlers and babies either too young to yet start on wonder pill Kaftrio, or awaiting approval to start.

A phase-3 study of Vertex's new 'Vanza Triple' in children aged 6-11 found that 95 per cent had sweat chloride levels - a key marker for CF - below the level that would have a child diagnosed with the disease, while a staggering 50 per cent recorded such low levels they were technically now CF free.

Vertex said they are working with the NHS authorities in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to finalise similar access agreements as soon as possible.

Ludovic Fenaux, Senior Vice President, Vertex International, said: "We are delighted to have agreed to extended long-term access to Kaftrio, Symkevi and Orkambi for eligible CF patients in England.

"I would like to acknowledge the collaboration of NHS England, NICE and the Scottish Medicines Consortium, and also thank the CF community for their contribution in describing the value that these innovative medicines bring to patients."

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