Girl died at pool with only 2 staff

A SWIMMING pool where a seven-year-old girl drowned had just half the required number of lifeguards on duty, an inquest heard yesterday.

Michelle Gellard was celebrating after winning silver in a judo competition

Sporty Michelle Gellard was celebrating after winning silver in a judo competition when she went swimming at Blackwater Leisure Centre in Maldon, Essex.

Moments later swimmers spotted the lifeless body of the youngster lying at the bottom of the pool.

Staff and pool users pulled her from the water and tried to revive her but she was later declared dead in hospital.

The inquest into her death heard how there were only two lifeguards poolside moments before Michelle drowned, despite the centre’s rules stating there should be four. By the time she was pulled from the water there were three lifeguards on duty.

Timothy Petts, the solicitor representing her parents, Mark Gellard and Sian Lakey, from the Isle of Dogs, east London, yesterday revealed that on the morning Michelle died in June 2008 there were no lifeguards at the deep end where she was swimming.


He told the jury at Chelmsford Coroner’s Court: “There was nobody in that position before the rotation and there wasn’t going to be anyone there after the rotation.

“If you are down one person, there is too much water to supervise. There are parts you can’t effectively supervise.” Earlier, an expert said Michelle may have drowned after knocking herself unconscious or vomiting due to her previous exertions at judo.

Pathologist David Rouse told the jury a small bruise was found on the back of her head and one of the “possibilities” was that she had banged her head, causing her to lose consciousness and drown.

He said: “The post-mortem findings are a young girl has drowned with a possible head injury which caused her to lose consciousness, and with a possible heart condition, and she may have possibly regurgitated some food because she had been exercising. She could have simply drowned. Children do drown in swimming pools but the post mortem cannot help further than that.”

Neuropathologist Dr Safa Al-Saraj said the head injury could have been caused by a bang to the head at the pool or while doing judo.


Detective Inspector Richard Thomas told the court there were claims a boy saw a girl slipping on a piece of jigsaw matting at the pool but the youngster had never been traced and no piece of matting was found.

The inquest continues.

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