VID: All aboard the Pony Express

WHY the long face? It’s because the spoilsports in the ticket office refuse to let a horse on the train.

The pony waiting patiently before being led on to the platform The pony waiting patiently before being led on to the platform

It’s not unusual to see someone take on a pet dog or a cat in a basket – but this passenger was really pushing his luck.

He marched up with a horse in tow and asked for two tickets. The man said “one for me and one for my horse” before the assistant politely explained horses were not allowed on trains.

Not taking no for an answer they then went into the lift to get on the platform at Wrexham Central station in Wales.

The train arrived and bemused passengers watched as he tried to lead the horse into a carriage.

A conductor stepped in and eventually the pair left the station... to revert to shanks’s pony.

“I couldn’t believe my eyes,” said passenger Mike Herbert, 35. “The animal was very calm and would have got on if it weren’t for the conductor.”

Staff said the man had told them “I know the law” after trying to buy tickets.Arriva Trains Wales were yesterday baffled by the events after studying the CCTV footage.

A spokeswoman said: “We allow small animals, such as dogs and guide dogs. Large animals could pose a risk to the public.”

Do you know the identity of the horse owner? Contact the Daily Express newsdesk on 020 7098 2982 or email [email protected].

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