‘Be proud of drug tests on animals’

MEDICINES should be labelled that they are safe for humans because they have been tested on animals in a bid to show the public the benefits of such research, says one of our most famous scientists.

Medicines should be labelled that they are safe for humans

Fertility expert and TV presenter Professor Robert Winston wants to revolutionise the public’s attitude to animal testing and tackle the animal rights lobby head-on.

In a House of Lords debate last week the Labour peer said: “Let us face it, 95 per cent of us perfectly happily wear leather shoes. We should put the animal rights lobby into some kind of focus.

“Animal research has contributed hugely to physiological medical research in virtually every field. We need to say very clearly it would be unthinkable to take any drug which has not been tested on an intact ­animal. In fact, there is a case for having legislation to make it clear that a particular drug has only been possible for human consumption because of animal testing.

“This could be stamped on the packet, rather like a cigarette packet. I do not think we can argue there is any substitute for ­animal research.”


Lord Winston, 71, also accused Britain’s ­universities of cowardice for their failure to admit their heavy involvement in animal experiments.

He said every university had an animal ­testing laboratory but their silence made them appear as though they had “something to be ashamed of”.

Lord Winston was responding to comments from Labour’s Lord Wills who highlighted the findings of a recent study that said nearly 10 per cent of research programmes using ­animals produced “no clear scientific, medical or social benefit”.

Last night Michelle Thew, chief executive of the British Union for the Abolition of ­Vivisection, called Lord Winston’s comments “ridiculous”.

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