Silent killer in the classroom

CHILDREN'S lives are being put in danger by the failure of Scottish ministers to look again the problem of deadly asbestos in schools, campaigners have warned.

Asbestos remains a problem in Scottish schools

New figures seen by the Sunday Express show that in some council areas nine out of every 10 pupils are currently at risk of being exposed to cancer-causing fibres.

The issue is now being examined by both Westminster and the Welsh Assembly in Cardiff, yet nothing has been done at Holyrood since a petition from a group of worried parents was closed three years ago.

Even more worryingly, the most recent national survey of asbestos in schools was carried out by councils umbrella group Cosla before the SNP even came to power.


It's an issue that the Scottish Parliament has to consider

Michael Lee

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According a straw poll of local authorities, 93.1 per cent of schools in Edinburgh built before 2000 have asbestos in the walls, ceilings or floors. In Fife the figure is 86 per cent; in Dumfries and Galloway it is 67 per cent; and in Falkirk 62 per cent.

In East Ayrshire, there are 44 secondary, primary and nursery schools variously containing crocidolite, amosite, anthophyllite and chrysotile asbestos, all of which can trigger the aggressive lung cancer mesothelioma.
All the councils involved insist the risk to health in each case is low or very low and point to the fact they have tough asbestos management plans in place.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE), which operates across the entire UK, says it is safer to leave undamaged asbestos in place rather than try to remove it.

However, some argue this approach is outdated and are now calling on British education ministers to match the Australian government, which recently pledged to remove all asbestos from schools by 2030.

Last month, the House of Commons Education Select Committee heard that millions of pupils and teachers could have been exposed to asbestos dust in schools leading to thousands of deaths.

David Laws, the English schools minister, said the government would be reviewing its policies and a full-scale inquiry could begin in May following a report on the relative vulnerability of children to asbestos.

Meanwhile, health fears at a high school in Caerphilly have prompted a series of political debates across the Severn Bridge in Cardiff, where the Welsh Tories are calling for a public asbestos database.

Michael Lee, from the Asbestos in Schools campaign, said Scottish ministers and MSPs must now take another look at the evidence.

He said: "It is an issue that the Scottish Parliament has to consider. It has never been given sufficient priority by any government, but if the Scottish Government is not considering it then they are putting lives at risk.

"They have to consider it and they have to take action; not to do so would be irresponsible."

He added: "The problem is that insufficient money has been put into maintaining schools across the whole of Britain. If the fabric of the building deteriorates then the condition of the asbestos deteriorates.

"Schools are not the same as offices, yet the asbestos is managed in the same way. People in an office are not going to bash holes in the wall or kick footballs into the ceiling.

"You can tell children not to do these things but whether they obey or not is a different matter."

The warning comes just days after Sandra Naylor, a former pupil at Caldervale High School in Airdrie, Lanarkshire, announced plans to sue the council after developing mesothelioma.

Mr Lee said yesterday: "There are many cases where people have died or are dying and when you look into it, school is the only place where they could have come into contact with asbestos."

However, the danger is just as acute for the pupils of today - with an estimated 1,200 Scottish schools built between 1945 and the 1990s still containing some form of asbestos.

Robin Howie, an asbestos expert from Edinburgh, said: "We have to take much greater care with our children than we do with adults, yet there is no recognition of that from the HSE.

"Children are more vulnerable to exposure than teachers or their parents, and are up to 40 times more likely to develop mesothelioma over the course of their lives.

"If children were dying at the time of exposure then we wouldn't be having this conversation; the money would be found somewhere. But people are dying 40 years down the line."

He said he would like to see regular airborne testing introduced at every school where asbestos is present.

A Scottish Government spokeswoman said they were following current HSE advice, adding: "However, we would consider any change in this advice carefully."