MPs’ anger at Ken Clarke’s EU backing

SENIOR Tory Ken Clarke came under attack after he joined Labour’s Lord Mandelson ­yesterday to warn that leaving the EU would be an “historical error”.

Ken Clarke said Britain should work to change the EU from within

Mr Clarke was accused of having “tired old” views after he insisted Britain should work to reform the organisation from within rather than walking away.


His intervention into the heated EU debate came as the cross-party British Influence group launched a manifesto titled Better Off In A Better Europe.

David Cameron has pledged an in-out referendum on membership by 2017, but the document warns against threatening ­“unilateral repatriation of powers”. It does, however, concede that the EU must be “rebooted for the 21st century”.

Ken Clarke's comments triggered a backlash from Tory eurosceptics


Mr Clarke, regarded as the sole Tory Europhile in the Cabinet, said: “This document brings out the huge further rewards the British can reap by remaining doggedly engaged in Europe, and determined to help set the agenda. We can help to promote our own interests best by reinforcing our role as a leading nation in the EU.”

Mr Clarke’s comments, although not unexpected, triggered a backlash from Tory eurosceptics.

Backbencher Douglas Carswell said: “These are the same tired old views from the same people who were telling us we had to join the euro all those years ago.

“They are the same people who have been wrong on one of the biggest political issues of recent history. Ken and his Brussels chums were wrong then and the idea that they are right now is ludicrous."

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