A life of luxury in our jails

LIFE is so cushy in Britain’s jails that inmates are ignoring the chance to escape.

Convicts are treated to breakfast in bed

Drugs are so cheap that prisoners are smuggling them back out to sell on the street for a profit.

Convicts are treated to breakfast in bed, TV sets in their cells and even cash bonuses for good behaviour, the Prison Officers Association revealed yesterday.

Assistant general secretary Glyn Travis said ladders used to smuggle drugs into Everthorpe jail in Yorkshire were left lying around but prisoners did not seize the opportunity to scale the walls because they were too comfortably off inside.

Prostitutes are also being smuggled into some open prisons. The revelations last night refuelled the row over soft justice under Labour. One inmate told Justice Secretary Jack Straw last month that being in jail was like a “holiday camp”.


'Prisons should be places of hard work' says Nick Herbert

Mr Travis said: “Prison is no longer a deterrent. It is merely an occupational hazard.

“There is a classic case in Yorkshire where members of the public were climbing over the prison walls to take drugs into the prison.

“They put up ladders but prisoners were so comfortable in the environment they were living in that none of them tried to escape.

“It tells me there’s something wrong in society when people are breaking into prisons to bring in drugs and prostitutes, but the prisoners are quite happy to stay inside.”

We're trying to manage a system that's snowballing out of control

Prison officers leader Glyn Travis

The easy access to drugs means addicted criminals will not be clean when they leave and will go straight back to crime.


Mr Travis said drugs are now so rife behind bars that they are cheaper inside than out. It has even got to the point where inmates are buying drugs but then smuggling them back out to sell on the street to make cash.

He added: “We’re trying to manage a system that’s just snowballing out of control.

“The drug problem within prisons is massive. What prison officers find is only the tip of the iceberg. The quantity of drugs in our prisons today is absolutely vast.

“Prison staff are doing everything they possibly can, despite the shortage of resources, to stem the flow.”

Lyn Costello, of Mothers Against Murder And Aggression, said: “This makes a mockery of the justice system.

“Criminals go to prison and it’s like a B&B, with better luxuries than many families on the outside living in poverty.

“We may as well all go and commit crime and go to jail for the easier life.”

Shadow Justice Secretary Nick Herbert said: “Prisons should be places of hard work and restoration, preparing offenders to go straight. Instead we have overcrowded jails where drugs are rife, prisoners too often idle and there is little purposeful activity. It is time for a fundamental shake-up.”

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In a scathing attack on the Government, Mr Travis warned that Britain’s jails are close to anarchy and staff morale is at rock-bottom due to under-funding. “Every prison in Britain is under-staffed and overcrowded,” he said.

“The Government believes the only way forward is to reduce the cost of public prisons, making them less safe and less secure. Staff feel very vulnerable.” He said prisoners live in better conditions than trainee soldiers at their barracks, and taxpayers would be appalled if they knew how easy Britain’s most notorious rapists, murderers and paedophiles have it.

Guards are forced to treat inmates with kid gloves to avoid infringing their human rights.

Mr Travis said: “Prisoners receive a wage for being in prison, they receive a bed, a TV in all cells, Sky television in most areas for recreational use, free telephones, breakfast in bed on many occasions, cash bonuses for good behaviour, and prison staff are forced to deal with them in such a subservient way. It’s ridiculous.”

On the smuggling incident at Everthorpe, a Prison Service spokeswoman said: “The prison was aware of a security breach back in January during which drugs were being brought in at night.

“At no time were prisoners out of their cells or able to access any other areas of the prison. Immediate action was taken with extra fencing, the removal of trees, extra CCTV cameras, and the transfer of the offender involved to another establishment.”

She added that each evening all prisoners are provided with a breakfast pack which they eat in their cells in the morning, and no public-sector jail has Sky TV in the cells.