Edinburgh stalker hit with lifetime restraining order

Ross bombarded her ex-boyfriend and his new wife with 800 threatening phone calls[CAVENDISH]

A POSTMAN and his wife have won a lifetime restraining order against his jealous ex-girlfriend who spent a month bombarding them with 800 menacing phone calls.

Christopher Wood, 35, was subjected to a hate campaign by Edinburgh woman Sarah Ross, 25, after he married another mother from her child’s primary school.

The Scot sent text and ­Facebook messages repeatedly calling Mr Wood’s bride Nicola a “slag”, adding: “I wish you would die.”


When Mrs Wood, 33, suffered a miscarriage, Ross allegedly called them “baby killers”, a court heard.

In January and February this year, mother-of-one Ross made repeated phone calls to the couple’s home in Macclesfield, Cheshire, which were ­either silent or contained threats.

She was also suspected of putting a brick through the front window of the house, where the couple live with children aged five and 10. In a later message, she bragged: “You are not going to win. As for me smashing your window, nothing will happen to me.”

At Macclesfield Magistrates Court, the brunette, who gave her name as Sarah Martin, clutched a pink teddy bear as she was spared jail due to “complex family issues”.

You are not going to win. As for me smashing your window, nothing will happen to me

Sarah Ross

She was handed a six-week sentence, suspended for two years, ordered to carry out 200 hours of community service and was banned from having any contact with the couple indefinitely.

Hours after the case she posted a smiling ­“selfie” picture on Facebook.

At his home yesterday, Mr Wood said Ross was a “fantasist” and added: “She had my wife frightened, she sent her death threats – she’s a loose cannon. We lost our baby and she still didn’t stop.

“I have been off work two months with the stress. She should have gone to prison for what she did.” The court heard that Ross had been in a brief relationship with Mr Wood from August 2012 until February 2013, and moved from her home town of Edinburgh to be closer to him.

In the same time period, she became “best friends” with Nicola. But two months after splitting up with Mr Wood, Ross became aware he and Nicola were in a relationship.

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The couple then married in June  last year, sparking Ross’s hate campaign.

Ross said she had stopped taking medication for bi-polar disorder. The court heard her five-year-old daughter had ­Asperger’s and poor sight and hearing.

Sentencing Ross, magistrate Denise Rankin said: “The courts take harassment very seriously. It is aggravated by the number of telephone calls and texts. 

“I acknowledge the complex family issues but do not condone this type of action.”