Blow for Ed Miliband as Labour's lead over the Tories is wiped out

Poll is bad news for Ed [ROSS PARRY]

LABOUR’S lead over the Tories has been wiped out following signs that Britain’s economic recovery is gathering pace, an opinion poll revealed last night.

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The survey by Populus put the two main parties neck and neck on a 35 per cent share of the vote.


Tory support had increased by one per cent compared with the research company’s last share-of-the-vote poll a week earlier, while Labour was unchanged.

The survey also put the UK Independence Party on a 13 per cent vote share while the Lib Dems remained stuck in fourth place on just nine per cent.

With just over a year until a general election, the poll will raise Tory hopes that an overall majority for David Cameron is achievable.

Within Ed Miliband’s team, however, it will trigger alarm.

Many Labour MPs believe the party needs to be much further ahead at this stage.

Labour has enjoyed a lead over the Tories for most of the current parliamentary term, but the gap has narrowed over the last year as the economy improved.

If repeated at the May 2015 general election, the vote share would leave Labour the largest party in a hung parliament.

Ed Miliband would be three seats short of an overall Labour majority.

The Tories still face a massive challenge given an in-built bias in the first-past-the-post voting system for Westminster elections.

A row over reform of the House of Lords led the Lib Dems to withdraw support for a boundary shake-up that could have made the system fairer and delivered up to 20 extra seats for the Tories.

Populus interviewed a random sample of 2,055 adults online for the poll published yesterday.

Voters were asked which party they planned to support in a general election rather than in next month’s Euro elections.

Other parties, including the Greens, were given an eight per cent vote share in the poll.