Wife killer’s real motive

EVIL Neil Entwistle killed his wife and daughter so he could sell the story of their murders and clear his debts.

Sick Entwistle breaks down in court

The sickening plan was revealed yesterday as he began the first week of a life sentence for the murders of his wife Rachel, 27, and nine-month-old daughter Lillian.[>


The IT consultant from Worksop, Notts, will die in a top security American prison after being sentenced to life without parole.[>


Legal documents obtained by the Sunday Express from the court in Woburn, Massachusetts, show prosecutors believe a financial motive was behind the killings.[>



They also show that damning forensic evidence was kept from the jury. [>


Tiny particles of gunshot residue were found on a carving knife that Entwistle claimed he was going to use to kill himself after finding his family dead. But the presence of the residue meant the knife was in close proximity to the gun when the fatal shots were fired.[>



The evidence was kept from the jury after his lawyers successfully argued there were not enough gunshot particles to make it a valid test. They also successfully stopped prosecutors from telling the jury the full details of how Entwistle planned to cash in on the murders.[>


Instead, they were allowed to say only that when he was arrested Entwistle had a note on him in which he wrote that he planned to sell the story to the highest bidder.[>


The full note, which Entwistle had scribbled in the third person, pretending to be one of his friends, was released after the trial.[>


Entwistle wrote: “What’s of interest to us is what price you would be willing to pay for exclusive rights to the full story. There is no loyalty to any particular paper, so we are leaving it open to the highest bidder.”[>


He tempted potential buyers with the promise: “There will be enough material to last a week.”[>


Prosecutors fought hard to include this evidence. In a legal submission, prosecutor Michael Fabbri wrote: “The defendant’s bad acts, including the evidence of his plans to contact the media and sell exclusive rights to the full story to the highest bidder, further support the Commonwealth’s theory that there was a financial motive for the murders.[>


“However, as with the gunshot residue on the knife evidence, it was ruled inadmissible by the trial judge.”[>


Other evidence suppressed included a pornographic video seized from Entwistle’s home and evidence of an obscene telephone call he made. A nude photo he posted on a “swingers” website was also ruled out.[>


Other evidence kept from the jury included details of his in-laws Joe and Priscilla Matterrazzo overhearing a heated argument between Entwistle and his wife about money.[>

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Despite his twisted schemes, the killer will not be able to profit from his crimes, however. Judge Diane Kottmyer issued instructions that he should not profit from any media deal.[>


Entwistle will spend the rest of his life in a single cell at Cedar Junction top security prison near Boston, once home to the Boston Strangler.[>


Unlike some British citizens convicted of crimes in the US, he will not be eligible to transfer to a prison here to be closer to his family.[>