Cameron urges Britons to 'keep calm & carry on' as ISIS attack on Armed Forces Day FOILED


David Cameron urged calm at today's parade in Guildford with Prince Andrew

DAVID CAMERON has urged Britons to keep calm and "carry on" in the wake of UK holidaymakers being gunned down in a terror attack, as the Prime Minister paid tribute to the country's armed forces.

A service held at Guildford Cathedral, also attended by Prince Andrew, Duke of York, was followed by serving armed forces personnel, veterans and cadets parading through the town.


A show at the town's Stoke Park was later due to feature live music and military displays, along with a flypast by the Red Arrows.

Last night, it emerged Islamic State extremists had to target a similar Armed Forces Day parade in Merton, South West London.

The plot, for a pressure cooker bomb to be exploded in a suicide blast to kill soldiers and bystanders on the route, was foiled after one of the attack's masterminds unwittingly recruited an undercover investigator from The Sun newspaper.

Troops from Fusilier Rigby's regiment, serving Gurkhas and war veterans were due to be among the 250 marchers.

Junaid Hussain, who fled Birmingham for Syria in 2013 and now calls himself Abu Hussain al Britani, is reported to have told the investigator: "It will be big. We will hit the kuffar (unbelievers) hard InshAllah.

"Hit their soldiers in their own land. InshAllah. Soldiers that served in Iraq and Afganistan will be present. Jump in the crowd and detonate the bomb.

"They think they can kill Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan then come back to the UK and be safe. We'll hit them hard InshAllah."

Commenting on the alleged plot, a Scotland Yard spokesman said: "The police, together with our security partners, remain alert to terrorist threats that may manifest here or where individuals overseas may seek to direct or inspire others to commit attacks in and against the UK."

He added: "Attacks yesterday show the global nature of terrorism and the threat level in the UK from international terrorism remains unchanged at severe.

"While the UK threat level from international terrorism remains severe, we would like to reassure the public that we constantly review security plans for public events, taking into account specific intelligence and the wider threat.

"Our priority is the safety and security for all those attending or involved, the public are encouraged to continue with their plans to attend or take part in events as normal.

"We would also like to reiterate our long-standing advice to remain vigilant and alert. As ever we would urge the public to get in touch to report anything suspicious by calling the confidential anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321 or in an emergency by calling 999."

Hundreds of events marking Armed Forces Day have taken place across the country today, with "heightened security" in place following reports Islamic State (ISIS) extremists planned to blow up soldiers from the regiment of murdered Fusilier Lee Rigby.

The terror alert came a day after at least eight Britons were among 38 people gunned down by an ISIS militant on a beach in the Tunisian resort of Sousse, with the number of UK victims expected to rise.

The jihadists group also claimed responsibility for two further attacks in France and Kuwait yesterday.

Today, as he attended the this year's national Armed Forces Day event in Guildford, Surrey, Mr Cameron warned Britons to remain "vigilant" in the threat of terror but to "carry on".


He said: "There's no doubt we are under severe threat of terrorism.

"Today is about paying tribute to our Armed Forces. There will be heightened security at those events. The most important thing is to carry on and thanking our Armed Forces for the work they do, knowing in our our country we face a severe terrorist threat.

"But if we work together, are vigilant and back our police and anti-terrorism forces.

"If we combat this poisonous narrative of Islamic extremism that is radicalising too many young minds in our country. If we do all of those things and show the persistence and determination I have talked about we will overcome."


Prince Andrew and David Cameron among guests in Guildford
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A service held at Guildford Cathedral, also attended by Prince Andrew, Duke of York, was followed by serving armed forces personnel, veterans and cadets parading through the town.

A show at the town's Stoke Park was later due to feature live music and military displays, along with a flypast by the Red Arrows.

Last night, it emerged Islamic State extremists had to target a similar Armed Forces Day parade in Merton, South West London.

The plot, for a pressure cooker bomb to be exploded in a suicide blast to kill soldiers and bystanders on the route, was foiled after one of the attack's masterminds unwittingly recruited an undercover investigator from The Sun newspaper.

Troops from Fusilier Rigby's regiment, serving Gurkhas and war veterans were due to be among the 250 marchers.

Junaid Hussain, who fled Birmingham for Syria in 2013 and now calls himself Abu Hussain al Britani, is reported to have told the investigator: "It will be big. We will hit the kuffar (unbelievers) hard InshAllah.

"Hit their soldiers in their own land. InshAllah. Soldiers that served in Iraq and Afganistan will be present. Jump in the crowd and detonate the bomb.

"They think they can kill Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan then come back to the UK and be safe. We'll hit them hard InshAllah."


The Prime Minister urged Britons to 'keep calm and carry on' in the face of terror


The Red Arrows stage a flypast over Guildford's Stoke Park

Commenting on the alleged plot, a Scotland Yard spokesman said: "The police, together with our security partners, remain alert to terrorist threats that may manifest here or where individuals overseas may seek to direct or inspire others to commit attacks in and against the UK."

He added: "Attacks yesterday show the global nature of terrorism and the threat level in the UK from international terrorism remains unchanged at severe.

"While the UK threat level from international terrorism remains severe, we would like to reassure the public that we constantly review security plans for public events, taking into account specific intelligence and the wider threat.

"Our priority is the safety and security for all those attending or involved, the public are encouraged to continue with their plans to attend or take part in events as normal.

"We would also like to reiterate our long-standing advice to remain vigilant and alert. As ever we would urge the public to get in touch to report anything suspicious by calling the confidential anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321 or in an emergency by calling 999."