A&E units face WINTER CRISIS amid ‘perfect storm’ of problems - top doctor warns

ACCIDENT and emergency units are facing an early crisis ahead of winter, one of the UK’s most senior doctors has warned.

NHS staff help an elderly patientGETTY FILE PICTURE

Dr Mark Holland says A&E units are facing a "perfect storm"

Leading doctor Mark Holland has described a junior doctors’ strike, a lack of staff and an early start to winter pressure, as a “perfect storm” for A&E units.

The president for the Society for Acute Medicine said: “There is already talk of putting ambulances on divert, of taking patients to other hospitals.

“That intensity is beginning to creep up. Not on a day-to-day consistent basis like last December and January, but it's starting and it feels like it is occurring a wee bit too early.

“The question this winter is how resilient we will be and what will be the tipping point. And that is the unknown factor which is very, very worrying."

protestors target cuts to the NHSGETTY

Protestors have targeted cuts to the NHS and changes proposed for junior doctors' pay

Dr Holland also said 30 per cent of hospital beds are taken by people who do not need them and that he would “spend every available penny” putting an end to this.

Figures for patients treated on time in August were the worst for the end of summer since monthly records began in 2010.

Hospitals normally spend summer catching up with routine operations and other work, as they have less patients to treat.

A surgeon in an NHS A&E unitGETTY FILE PICTURE

The number of patients treated on time during the end of summer has hit a record low

But Dr Holland warned this is changing, claiming “now in medical terms it feels the summer no longer exists”. 

He said: “It feels as if it is always the winter.

"You have got a perfect storm. You've got junior doctors in dispute with the Government, we can't recruit into all of our training posts and there are lots of consultant posts unfilled.

“Last winter we were pushed to the brink. All of these things coming together, it only needs one thing to tip over and you will get a domino effect.”

An ambulance being driven by a member of the armed forcesGETTY

Dr Holland says there is already talk of putting ambulances on divert

A spokesman for NHS England said: “Front line services are treating more patients than ever, and it's right to say that we need strong primary and social care to help offset the pressures on A&E.

"But it's also worth remembering that despite the usual flow of negative predictions at this time of year, our services continue to admit or treat and discharge more than nine out of 10 patients within four hours - a higher standard than any major Western nation.”

Junior Doctor Protest

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