Cashless society is inevitable say 40 per cent of young Britons

PAYING with smartphones and tap and go readers in shops and on transport will make a cashless society inevitable for two in five young Brits.

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Tech giants Apple recently rolled out Apple Pay, an electronic payment service linked to your phone

But the new electronic way to pay leaves most older consumers cold with less than a third of those over 55 thinking cash has had its days.

Half of Britons still believed cash was king saying they won't change how they pay for things and dosh was the best way to keep track on their finances.

And fears of cyber hacking or concerns about how safe it was to use smartphones to pay left half believing cash was still the only totally secure way to pay.

Market researchers Mintel found those likely to embrace the new technology are young men aged 16 to 24 with nearly half believing the end is nigh for cash.

Over half of consumers have used eight or more different payment methods in the last six months with seven in ten saying convenience was the main reason for doing so.

Two in five preferred to use a payment method that offers rewards such as cashback and air miles.

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Contactless payment began to be introduced by some banks in 2007

Financial services analyst Jessica Morley said: "Despite the fast pace of progress, the UK is still a long way from becoming a cashless society.

Despite the fast pace of progress, the UK is still a long way from becoming a cashless society

Jessica Morley, Financial services analyst

"The fact that cash is tangible and easy to understand means that consumers perceive it to be the most secure method of paying and the easiest way of keeping track of spending.

"However, there is an opportunity for the payments industry to wean consumers off their reliance on paper money.

"From a security perspective this is about making it clear to consumers that other methods of paying can actually be more secure than cash, for example, highlighting the fact that cash is unprotected and cannot be recovered if lost or stolen, whereas money stolen from most other methods can be."

She added results showed consumers wanted choice on how to pay.

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Many remain fearful of cyberattacks and smartphone security whilst banking electronically

But the survey found interest in smartphone payments remained low with just a fifth overall saying they would like to be able to pay for purchases using their smartphone.

However younger consumers were more keen than their older counterparts. A third of those aged 16 to 24 would use it, compared to just a tenth of those aged 45 to 54 and just over one in 20 of the over 55s.

Ms Morley said the uptake in using smartphones to pay was being limited by consumers not knowing of the advantages it holds over other methods of paying while a far larger barrier is concern over security.

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Just a fifth of respondents said they would like to pay for purchases using their smartphone

"Despite the fact that tokenisation technology ensures that data sent when making a mobile payment is completely secure, there is a prevailing perception that mobile payments are high risk in case the phone is hacked or stolen.

"These are fears that are magnified by the fact that it is an option that has only been relatively recently introduced"

But she noted Apple Pay could be a game changer with consumers having to authorise payments with their fingerprints "both literally enhances security and acts as a placebo to make consumers feel that the payment is more secure".

"This latter point is, arguably, the more influential."

Retailers will embrace Apple Pay: TechCrunch

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