Revealed: Top-of-the-range RAF spy plane gathering intelligence for ISIS bombing raids

A STATE-OF-THE-ART spy plane has celebrated its 100th mission flying reconnaissance sorties over Iraq and Syria.

The Royal Air Forces's Airseeker electronic surveillance aircraftRAF

The Royal Air Forces's Airseeker electronic surveillance aircraft

The Airseeker - the second of three planes bought from the United States at a cost of £650m - operates at high-altitude relaying intelligence to coalition forces hunting fresh Islamic State targets to bomb.

The retrofitted jet, a converted Boeing KC-135 tanker, started operations for the UK in September.

It can reach altitudes of 50,000ft, well above the normal cruising altitude of commercial passenger planes.

The aircraft has top-of-the-range airborne electronic surveillance capability and, with a crew of up to 24, is able to collect, analyse, and share detailed intelligence information.

A third Airseeker jet is expected to enter service in 2017.

The Royal Air Force's Sentinel battlefield surveillance aircraftRAF

The Royal Air Force's Sentinel battlefield surveillance aircraft

The new jet means "no-one, except the US, matches our efforts" to conduct intelligence operations over ISIS-territory, the Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said.

More than 80 per cent of the aircraft's missions have been in direct support of military operations by Britain and her allies.

Another battlefield surveillance jet, the RAF Sentinel aircraft, also took on its 100th flight over extremist territory last week.

Airseeker aircraft are Boeing RC-135s converted from KC-135 Stratotanker airframesAIR MEDIA CENTRE

Airseeker aircraft are Boeing RC-135s converted from KC-135 Stratotanker airframes

The Sentinel R1 is the RAF's only long-ante wide-area battlefield surveillance aircraftAIR MEDIA CENTRE

The Sentinel R1 is the RAF's only long-ante wide-area battlefield surveillance aircraft

Britain's ability to gather intelligence from the air is also set to be vastly improved by the introduction of nine Boeing P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft, to be based at RAF Lossiemouth in Moray.

David Cameron confirmed in this week's Strategic Defence and Security Review that four of the RAF's Sentinel aircraft would have their service extended into the next decade, and Airseeker and Sentry jets will both remain in RAF service until 2035.

The RAF's Air Component Commander in the Middle East, Air Commodore Martin 'Sammy' Sampson said: "Airseeker and Sentinel's 100th sorties in counter-ISIL operations demonstrate the exceptional capability the UK is providing to the multinational Coalition.

"I am extremely proud of the contribution by our servicemen and women that keep our aircraft flying across the Middle East."

RAF Tornado strike on ISIS in Sinjar 5 November 2015

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