Pay MORE, get LESS as council tax bills SOAR in wake of Autumn Spending Review

BRITONS are facing soaring council tax bills as local authorities try to fill the £13billion hole left by Government cuts.

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George Osborne's Autumn Spending Review has placed huge financial constraints on local authorities

Local authorities in England have warned there will be a massive funding gap by the end of the decade following George Osborne’s spending review, even after an expected rise to council tax bills of almost £200. 

The shortfall is driven not only by cuts in grants from Whitehall but also by the escalating cost of social care – which has been predicted to outstrip available funding by £2.9billion by 2020, the Local Government Association has warned. 

New powers to hike council tax by two per cent to pay for social care, announced by the Chancellor, will ease some of the pressure on town halls but add to bills. 

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Council tax bills are expected to rise considerably in the next few years to compensate

But even if all eligible councils take advantage of the full surcharge, they will rake in just £1.6billion more by 2020.

If you are in one of the areas with a very low council tax are not going to get any help at all

David Simmonds, LGA deputy chairman

On top of the expected 1.99 per cent annual rise in council tax, this could see average Band D bills soar by £195 by the end of the decade. 

Local government chiefs also warned that the change could widen the divide in service standards between comfortable and deprived areas, as councillors in poorer parts of the country hold back from rises which could be unaffordable to their residents. 

The LGA calculated that, even where the two per cent surcharge is applied, it will be worth more in wealthier areas with more expensive homes, where it will add 15 per cent to councils’ budgets by 2020 compared to five per cent in disadvantaged towns and cities. 

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The Chancellor has given councils the power to increase tax bills by 2% to cover social care costs

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Government cuts have left local authorities with a £13bn funding deficit

LGA deputy chairman David Simmonds, who is the Tory leader of Hillingdon in west London, warned this would exacerbate the “postcode lottery” in social care. 

He added: “If you are in one of the areas with a very low council tax base, unless you are somebody who physically cannot get out of bed, have a wash and feed yourself without someone coming round to your house, you are not going to get any help at all.” 

Jonathan Isaby, chief executive of the TaxPayers’ Alliance pressure group, said: “There are still savings to be had in town halls up and down the country. Taxpayers will want to see their local politicians prioritise services and root out waste, so all non-essential spending must be up for review. “Furthermore, councils must put all of their assets under the microscope and look to share roles, services and back office functions with their neighbours to avoid tax hikes.” 

UK increases bailiff use for council tax bills - Sky News

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