Is the Yorkshire Ripper about to return to prison?

PSYCHIATRISTS have declared that Peter Sutcliffe is no longer mentally ill and should be moved from Broadmoor Hospital but it’s the last thing the serial killer wants.

Peter Sutcliffe GETTY

Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe

WHEN the jury in the 1981 trial of the Yorkshire Ripper retired to consider their verdict they were not asked to decide whether Peter Sutcliffe was guilty of killing 13 women and the attempted murder of seven others – he had already admitted that – but whether he was suffering from “abnormality of mind”. The key point being that if he was found to be mad rather than bad he would go to a mental hospital rather than a prison and might be freed within a decade.

Despite the evidence of four psychiatrists, who agreed the Ripper was a paranoid schizophrenic, it took the jury less than seven hours to decide by 10-2 that he was sane. So instead of going to Broadmoor, the high-security psychiatric hospital in Berkshire, Sutcliffe was sent to Parkhurst, a prison that had once hosted the Kray twins and Moors murderer Ian Brady.

Within two years however the psychiatrists got their way and Sutcliffe was transferred to Broadmoor where he remains . But this week it was decided the 69-year-old was no longer mentally ill and recommended he be moved into the prison system. It is now up to Justice Secretary Michael Gove to decide whether to act on their advice.

Peter SutcliffeREX

Sutcliffe has now been declared sane

This is the latest twist in a controversy over Sutcliffe’s mental state that predates his trial. Given the massive publicity generated by the Ripper’s five-year reign of terror and his arrest, the country’s most senior law officer took personal charge of the prosecution case.

You might have thought attorney general Sir Michael Havers would have been keen to see that justice was done in a high-profile manner. But to the surprise of the judge Mr Justice Boreham, Sir Michael told him – following talks with psychiatrists – the Crown accepted Sutcliffe’s plea of “not guilty to murder but guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility” relating to the 13 deaths.

If the judge had accepted the attorney general’s advice, there would have been no trial and Sutcliffe would have been sent to a mental hospital. But Boreham had “grave anxieties” about such a course and ruled the question should be put before a jury.

Wilma McCann, Emily Jackson and Irene RichardsonPA

Victims Wilma McCann, Emily Jackson and Irene Richardson

He told the court: “The reason for this trial is simple. There is a significant difference between the version Sutcliffe gave to the police and the version he gave to doctors. You will have to consider whether the doctors might have been deceived by this man, whether he sought to pull the wool over their eyes, or whether the doctors are just plain wrong. You will have to decide whether as a clever, callous murderer he has deliberately set out to provide a cock-and-bull story to avoid conviction of murder.”

The story that had convinced psychiatrists that Sutcliffe was a schizophrenic ran something like this: 15 years earlier, while working as a grave digger, he had heard the voice of God telling him to kill prostitutes. It wasn’t long before this “alibi” began to unravel.

It emerged that six days after his arrest, when Sutcliffe was at Armley Prison Hospital in Leeds, an officer overheard him telling his visiting wife Sonia that he expected to get 30 years in prison but if he could make people believe he was mad he would only do 10 years in a “loony bin”.

Broadmoor HospitalREX

Sutcliffe may have to leave the security and comforts of Broadmoor

The reason for this trial is simple. There is a significant difference between the version Sutcliffe gave to the police and the version he gave to doctors

Mr Justice Boreham

The prosecution pointed out that Sonia had once suffered schizophrenia during which time she had claimed to be the second Christ – the inference being that he would have had an intimate knowledge of the condition. Nor was the defence case helped when, during his crossexamination of one psychiatrist, Sir Michael cited an experiment conducted in the US in which eight “perfectly normal” people faked symptoms of schizophrenia and had themselves admitted to mental institutions.

In his summing up Mr Justice Boreham told the jury that if they did not believe Sutcliffe had heard the voice in the cemetery, or that he was not deluded into believing he had a divine mission to exterminate prostitutes, or that he was aware six of his victims were not prostitutes the diagnosis of schizophrenia would collapse.

And so it did. Sutcliffe meanwhile is said to be furious at the prospect of a prison transfer because he faces losing perks such as a Freeview TV and DVD player in his room where he enjoys watching The X Factor and Strictly.

In jail there is also the possibility of assaults by other inmates. But if the Justice Secretary does send the Ripper to jail he is unlikely to get flak from victims’ relatives . Richard McCann, son of his first victim Wilma , has already said: “If that’s what the MoJ decide, I’m fine with that.”

Peter Sutcliffe recounts 'hearing God' in eerie recording

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