British troops who battled in Iraq War face PROSECUTION for torture and murder

BRITISH troops who battled in the Iraq War could face prosecution for crimes including murder following a probe into allegations of torture and unlawful killing.

British troops in IraqGETTY FILE PICTURE

UK forces withdrew from Iraq in 2009 but lawyers are still referring cases to Ihat

Mark Warwick, head of the unit investigating the claims, said there were "lots of significant cases" and discussions would be held over whether they were war crimes.

UK forces withdrew from Iraq in 2009 but lawyers are still referring cases to the Iraq Historic Allegations Team (Ihat) – the Government-established criminal investigation into murder, abuse and torture claims linked to the six-year military mission.

Mr Warwick, the former police detective in charge of Ihat, said: "There are serious allegations that we are investigating across the whole range of Ihat investigations, which incorporates homicide, where I feel there is significant evidence to be obtained to put a strong case before the Service Prosecuting Authority to prosecute and charge."

He added: "Over the next 12 to 18 months, we will review all the caseload to better understand the picture and then I think we can say whether 2019 seems realistic."

British troops in IraqGETTY FILE PICTURE

The inquiry has so far reached more than 1,500 possible victims

British troops in IraqGETTY FILE PICTURE

Britain's military mission in Iraq lasted for six years

The multimillion-pound inquiry's workload reached 1,515 possible victims by September, of whom 280 are alleged to have been unlawfully killed.

Mr Warwick said the case of Baha Mousa, an Iraqi hotel receptionist who died after being interrogated and abused by British soldiers more than a decade ago, remains "a live criminal investigation".

He added: "There are lots of significant cases that we are investigating and at the appropriate time it will be a matter for us to discuss with the SPA (Service Prosecuting Authority) whether they meet the war-crimes threshold, but there are certainly serious allegations currently being investigated."


Mr Warwick said not all allegations will lead to an investigation.

"What's the likely outcome to be if we do a full investigation, and what's the likely penalty if we convict someone?" he said.

"We would look at the credibility of the allegation in the first instance – and, when we've looked at a lot of these extra cases coming to us, some of them are duplicates of cases, some of them we've already identified as part of our own investigation process, and some are multiple allegations, where we would investigate as a single allegation."

Baha MousaIG

The case of Iraqi hotel receptionist Baha Mousa is still a live criminal investigation

Campaigners have pushed for the pace of probe to be speeded up. Ihat's budget is set at £57.2 million, which runs until the end of 2019 - 16 years after the 2003 invasion began.

Carla Ferstman, director of human rights charity Redress, said: "The incredibly slow pace at which Ihat is investigating allegations of criminality committed by UK soldiers against Iraqi civilians is wholly unacceptable.

"Things seem to still be moving at a snail's pace. We call upon the Government to ensure Ihat can, and does, do what it was set up to do, and to do it now. This cannot be a whitewash."

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