Shafted: Gov plan to reduce women’s pensions by TENS OF THOUSANDS may be illegal

CHANGES to pension rules that mean hundreds of thousands of women have to wait up to six years longer to retire may be illegal, say campaigners.

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Hundreds of thousands of women could have to wait up to six years longer to retire

The Government now faces the prospect of a legal challenge on behalf of the women who say they were given inadequate warning about increases in their state pension age. 

Campaigners lobbying on behalf of half a million women born in the 1950s have seized on a court ruling in the Netherlands last month which ordered the Dutch government to pay a widow her pension at 65, even though the retirement age had been raised to 67. 

The court declared that a pension can be considered a possession, so deferring it could be seen to break the European Convention on Human Rights.

The moves towards a later retirement age will potentially leave women tens of thousands of pounds out of pocket as they paid into a pension fund expecting it to begin on their 60th birthday.

Anne Keen, co-founder of the pressure group Women Against Pension Inequality, said yesterday they would be consulting lawyers later this week. “We have evidence that women were not notified of the changes and have been left in a very poor position. We are in discussions with lawyers to determine our legal options,” she said.

The landmark ruling follows an admission by former Lib Dem pensions minister Steve Webb that he made a “bad decision” on raising the pension age in 2011 because he was not properly briefed. 

In 1995 the Tory government decided to raise women’s retirement age from 60 to 65, bringing it into line with men by 2020.

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The pension shake-up could be illegal, critics have warned

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A petition calling for transitional arrangements to be introduced has been signed by almost 100,000

Inaction is no longer an option

Nick Thomas-Symonds, Labour

However, in 2011 the Coalition decided to bring the date forward to 2018. Then, for both men and women, there would be a further rise in state pension age to 66 over the next two years. 

Campaigners say those affected were given little or no personal notice by the government and had no time to make alternative plans, leaving many in financial hardship. Labour pension spokesman Nick Thomas-Symonds said: “Labour has repeatedly called on the Government to look again at transitional arrangements for women born in the Fifties who have been hit hardest by the changes to state pension age. 

“However, ministers have repeatedly failed to listen to this group of women and to take seriously the impact that their ‘bad decision’ has had on their lives.

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Campaigners say those affected were given little or no personal notice by the government

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