Labour MP claims ‘terrorists and paedophiles will rejoice’ if Britain leaves the EU

A SENIOR Labour MP has claimed leaving the EU will increase the threat of terror attacks and paedophiles in Britain.

Keir StarmerGETTY

The Labour MP claimed leaving the EU would make it easier for terrorists to attack the UK

Formerly director of public prosecutions Keir Starmer said international terrorists and cross-border criminals mean the UK will be more at risk outside the Union.

He went on to slam the Prime Minister saying his “flirting with withdrawal from the EU” was putting national security and British business interests “at risk”.

Starter said: “The tragic events in Paris, along with confirmation that seven terror plots have been foiled here in the UK in recent months, underline just how important it is that we maintain and enhance our capacity to investigate and prosecute those concerned.

David CameronGETTY

Cameron has hinted that he may support the 'leave' campaign

“To counter these threats, our police and security forces need to be able to act just as quickly and across borders.

He went on to praise the European police force – Europol – who recently managed to stop a large paedophile network from operating across the continent.

He added “At least 230 children were at risk, including 60 in the UK, and the operation led to the arrest of more than 180 offenders, 121 of whom were arrested in the UK.”

It comes after the Prime Minister gave his strongest hint yet at his support for the campaign to leave the Union.

Paris terror attacksGETTY

Starmer believes that leaving the EU could lead to more Paris Style attacks

In his New Year message he said: “We are fighting hard to fix the aspects of our EU membership that cause so much frustration in Britain so we get a better deal for our country and secure our future. 

“It is a difficult negotiation with 27 other countries.

“Throughout we are driven by one consideration – what is best for Britain’s economic and national security. 

“In the end, you will decide whether we are stronger and better off with our European ­neighbours as part of the EU or on our own.”

Cameron hails 'good progress' on EU reform deal

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