Royal Engineer granted permission to compete in Miss Wales beauty pageant final

A YOUNG tank driver has won the backing of Army top brass to go into battle – as a beauty queen.


21-year-old Royal Engineer Victoria Grinnall has reached the finals of the Miss Wales contest

Royal Engineer Victoria Grinnall has reached the finals of the Miss Wales contest with the support of her commanding officer. 

The 21-year-old sapper will swap driving 40-ton tanks in military boots to dazzle on the catwalk in four-inch heels. 

Victoria, who is with the 26 Engineer Regiment, said: “I might be a soldier but I like to be feminine too. I enjoy dressing nicely, and like to have my hair and make-up done. 

“That’s a very important side to my personality too, and it’s a nice change from wearing uniform every day.

“I absolutely love my job. The social side is fantastic and I like to be physically fit, which is really important in the role.” 

Victoria GrinnallGETTY

Grinnall will swap driving 40-ton tanks in military boots to dazzle on the catwalk

Tank driverGETTY

Victoria said the Army had been “extremely supportive” of her beauty queen dream

Victoria is taking on 49 other hopefuls for the title of Miss Wales in April and hopes to travel to the final as her country’s choice for Miss World 2016. 

Victoria, of Newport, south Wales, said the Army had been “extremely supportive” of her beauty queen dream – and described the men in her regiment as “100 brothers”. 

Ever since she was a young girl, Victoria wanted to be a soldier and follow in the footsteps of her grandfather who served in the Royal Artillery. 

She spent a month on tour in Poland last year and will travel to Kenya with her regiment later this year. 

Miss UniverseGETTY

The winner of Miss Wales will travel to the final as her country’s choice for Miss World 2016

She said: “The great thing about the Army is that they support you every step of the way. 

The great thing about the Army is that they support you every step of the way

Victoria Grinnall

“I’m encouraged to go for what’s important to me by my superiors. 

“My troop commander is a woman and she thinks it’s a great idea.” 

Miss Wales director Paula Abbandonato said: “Miss Wales is all about being a role model for young women. 

“It is a real pleasure to have Victoria in the line-up for 2016 and I wish her the very best.”

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