Warning to Scots dog owners as fouling penalty doubles


Dog owners who fail to clean up after their pets face higher penalties

DOG owners who fail to clean up after their pets face higher penalties, with the fine doubling to £80.

The fixed penalty for dog fouling has been increased by the Scottish Government to bring it into line with the fine for littering.

Ministers are also considering how to develop a better system to tackle the issue of unpaid penalties.


The move comes after a recent consultation on responsible dog ownership revealed a majority in favour of the penalty being raised.

The Minister for Community Safety and Legal Affairs, Paul Wheelhouse, said: “Dog fouling is not only unpleasant, but also can pose potentially significant risks to health – particularly for children –and we’re very clear that dog owners who do not clear up after their dogs are breaking the law.

“We believe the increased penalty will act as a greater deterrent for people who do not take responsibility for their pets and clean up after them.

“Our consultation has shown we have public opinion behind us.”

The Scottish Household Surveys of 2013 and 2014 revealed that almost a third of people experience animal nuisance – dog fouling or noise – as a “very or fairly common” problem.

Some local authorities are said to be not doing enough to crack down on offenders.

Last week, Scottish Borders Council was accused of having given up on policing rogue dog owners after it emerged the authority did not issue a single fine for fouling in 2014-15. And, before that, 62 per cent of fines had gone unpaid since 2010/11.

The current £40 penalty in Scotland is the lowest in the UK, with offenders in Northern Ireland fined £80 and those in England and Wales between £50 and £80.

The increased penalty – which will take effect from Friday, April 1 – also has the backing of environmental charity Keep Scotland Beautiful.

Chief executive Derek Robertson said: “We welcome the doubling of the fixed penalty notice for dog fouling, a measure supported by 63 per cent of people asked in a poll commissioned by Keep Scotland Beautiful in 2015.

“Increasing the fine to £80 is a positive step in the right direction and will send a clear message to irresponsible dog owners.

“However, increased fines form only part of the solution and that is why we are leading a national stakeholder group to develop an action plan on the issue.”

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