Donald Tusk: EU deal is close

EUROPEAN Union chief Donald Tusk last night confirmed that a new EU deal is close to being agreed with David Cameron.

Donald Tusk and an EU flagGETTY

Donald Tusk is close to reaching a new EU deal with David Cameron

The President of the EU Council announced his intention to put forward a "concrete proposal" for new EU membership terms for the UK in the next few weeks.

He claimed an agreement to keep Britain in the 28-nation bloc was "not easy but possible".

And in a bizarre aside, he suggested that a break-up of the EU would be "suicide" for European civilization.

His remarks last night triggered fresh accusations that the forthcoming deal will be a stitch up drafted to help the Prime Minister win his referendum campaign to keep Britain in the EU.

Mr Tusk announced his intention to put forward a proposed new UK membership deal on Twitter last night.

He said he would table a "concrete proposal" ahead of the next summit of EU leaders due to be held in Brussels next month.

David CameronGETTY

British PM David Cameron has been pushing for an EU agreement

Brexit campaign posterGETTY

The news may come as a blow to Brexit campaigners

I will work hard for deal in February, not easy but possible

Donald Tusk, tweet

"I will work hard for deal in February, not easy but possible," he said.

He added: "Civilisations die from suicide, not murder. "We Europeans have to be realistic and confident of our values and beliefs. Europe is strong."

The UK renegotiation was at the top of the agenda for the summit published yesterday.

It said "the European Council should agree on mutually satisfactory solutions in all four areas" of Mr Cameron's negotiations.

The areas are competitiveness, sovereignty, welfare claims and protections for EU countries that remain outside the euro currency system.

Campaigners for an EU exit seized on Mr Tusk's remarks as fresh evidence that the negotiation process was a stunt designed to keep Britain in the bloc.


Tusk said a deal was 'not easy but possible'

A spokesman for the Leave.EU campaign organisation said: "The pantomime is playing out exactly as everybody said it would. "The charade has been planned well in advance to make it look like Cameron had fought the EU and won. "As the Greeks and others learned, there is only the EU way."

Matthew Elliott, chief executive of the Vote Leave pressure group, said: "It would be more apt to describe the renegotiation as being made of sand rather than concrete given anything built on it will not stand the test of time. 

"The whole renegotiation process will deliver only cosmetic changes that won't bring powers back from Brussels or return control back to the British public. 

"Voting remain on the basis of such a trivial deal would be a huge risk as it would be a vote to hand more money and power to the EU."

The Prime Minister's spokeswoman said: "We have been clear that we want to work to secure an agreement as soon as possible and if we can get a deal at the February European Council we would welcome that.

"In order for those discussions to happen we would expect the chair of the Council to talk with member states and share ideas ahead of the council."

She added: "We put forward the proposals in the four areas. These have been discussed at length.

"It is going to need to be an EU agreement. The chair of that process is the chair of the council, President Tusk."

The EU in numbers

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