Police systematically fail to carry out background checks on arrested foreign nationals

ONE of Britain’s largest police forces has admitted failing to carry out proper checks on 90 per cent of the foreign nationals it arrests.

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West Yorkshire police have been failing to do proper background checks on arrested foreign nationals

Following the shock confession, West Yorkshire Police has promised to overhaul its monitoring process regarding the 500 foreign nationals arrested, on average, each month.

As a result of previous failures, every foreign offender who goes through custody will automatically have their criminal history checked, according to an internal report by Britain’s fourth largest force.

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The failed checks could be risky for the communities that the offenders live in

As the police have said it makes it very difficult to assess the risk any prior offending may have on the communities they live in

Naz Shah

Naz Shah, Bradford West MP and a member of the Home Affairs Select Committee, said the lack of checks was “completely unacceptable”.

“As the police have said it makes it very difficult to assess the risk any prior offending may have on the communities they live in,” she said.

“It is only right that these changes are made to ensure the safety and protection of our communities.”


Police failed to check backgrounds of over half the foreign nationals arrested in England and Wales

However, Ukip’s David Simister said the force’s temporary Chief Constable Dee Collins should now consider stepping down.

The North Yorkshire county councillor said: “This is a very worrying admission from West Yorkshire Police and no doubt the Chief Constable will be offering her immediate resignation.

“It clearly demonstrates how, thanks to the EU, we are unable to control who is entering our country.”

Last year it was revealed that of the 190,000 foreign nationals arrested in England and Wales in the previous year, under half had their homeland backgrounds checked by UK police.

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