Newly-elected Labour MP claims female Tories are the 'ENEMY' in shocking left-wing rant


Laura Pidcock refuses to befriend Conservatives

NEWLY-elected Labour MP Laura Pidcock has declared that she views female Tories as “an enemy to lot of women” and refuses to befriend Conservatives.

The 29-year-old MP for North West Durham also told a Labour-supporting website that she would not “hang out” with Conservative women because they are “no friends of mine”.

Ms Pidcock, who is a self-described feminist and an outspoken supporter of Jeremy Corbyn, claimed that there are two basic types of Tory – and that she would be friends with either of them.


She said: “My very very initial reflections are that there are two basic types of Tory. You’ve got the ones… who are so blinded by their own privilege and have never experienced hardship, that they genuinely seem unable to see what it’s like in our communities.

“If they see someone in tears from the sheer weight of everything that’s being piled on top of them their reaction is, ‘oh you’re being very dramatic’.

“The other type is completely ideologically driven. They seem genuinely to believe capitalism is the best way to improve society and it blinds them to the evidence under their nose.”

She added: “Whatever type they are, I have absolutely no intention of being friends with any of them.

“The idea that they’re not the enemy is simply delusional when you see the effect they have on people.”



Laura Pidcock is a vocal supporter Jeremy Corbyn

However, Ms Pidcock was taken to task by female Conservative MPs for her comments.

Female Conservative MP Nadine Dorries said: “She will make a great MP. How can she fail with her politics of hate and such a hands-over-the-ears juvenile attitude?”

Newly-elected Conservative MP Kemi Badenoch also criticised Ms Pidcock, adding that she was friends with Labour politicians and would be keen to work with female Labour MPs.

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Laura Pidcock was criticised by female Conservative MPs

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She said: “If you’re in a position where all the people you know think and look like you, you have a problem.”

Ms Badenoch said some Labour MPs “genuinely believe that we are vermin”.

Will Quince, Tory MP for Colchester, also said: “This is such a disappointing attitude. Labour MPs are the opposition not the enemy.”