Britain clashes with Pakistan in student visas terror fiasco

PAKISTAN’S top representative in London launched a scathing attack on the Government yesterday for allowing terror suspects to enter Britain.

Minister Phil Woolas

Eleven of 12 people ­arrested in raids by anti-terror squads across the country this week were from there.

Ten had gained student visas to enter the UK.

But Pakistan’s High Commissioner said far too little was ­being done to run checks on foreign students and his country could do more – if only it was allowed to.

Wajid Shamsul Hasan said: “Every day we are raiding ­people, we are arresting people, we are arresting suspects.

“It is at your end you have to do something more.”

When asked if there was a problem with the British ­system for student visas, he replied ­unhesitatingly: “Yes.”

He explained: “If they allow us to make inquiries first, if they ask us to scrutinise those people who are seeking visas, we can help them.


“But the thing is they have their own regime. They go through a lot of questions and points systems and all these things, which must be assuring them that they are giving visas to the right people.

“Unfortunately, in every ­system mistakes are made.”

Last night Immigration Minister Phil Woolas, responsible for the UK Border Agency, insisted officials “work ­very closely” with Pakistan.

In an apparent contradiction of Mr Hasan’s claims he said: “It’s naive to think that we don’t check, we do work very closely with the Pakistan ­authorities, indeed we’ve been criticised for doing so.”

He insisted that foreign students were checked against ­international watchlists of criminals and terror suspects. Yet he has previously ­admitted that bogus colleges are the “Achilles’ heel” of ­Britain’s border controls.


In light of this week’s revelations, Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling ­demanded that the Government act urgently to step up checks on any students from countries who pose a terror threat to Britain.

And even Labour MPs are calling for tighter controls.

One of them, Khalid Mahmood, MP for Perry Barr in ­Birmingham, said the threat could be reduced if more ­vigilant checks were conducted in ­Pakistan and the UK.

He added: “The vast majority of Pakistanis who come here on student visas are coming for the university education, but you will get people who will abuse that.

“We make an assessment at the embassy but there is no ­input from agencies in ­Pakistan. We also need to have greater checks once they are in the country. At the moment, once they arrive, they are left to their own devices.

“We need checks to make sure that these people are ­ doing what they’re supposed to be doing. We need a reporting mechanism, quarterly reviews from the universities to see what progress they are making in their studies.”

Government figures show that 42,292 student visas were ­issued to Pakistani students between April 2004 and April 2008.

It is not known how many were given to students attending legitimate universities and how many were handed to those with places at “paper” colleges, run as “visa mills”. By posing as students ­foreign ­nationals can ­bypass the ­system to work in Britain.

The Home Office estimates there are up to 2,000 such bogus colleges in the UK.

Ministers hope they will gradually be forced out of business after tougher standards were introduced last month. Now all new applicants need to have a place on a course with a ­registered institution before they can come to Britain.

Sir Andrew Green, chairman of Migrationwatch, welcomed the clampdown but said it did little to address the problem of bogus students.

He said: “Applicants from countries of concern like Pakistan and North Africa should be given a full interview by a UK-based visa officer and only admitted if they can demonstrate that they are genuine.”

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