Tamil to suspend hunger strike

One of two Tamil protesters staging a hunger strike is to suspend his fast as thousands of people take to London's streets in a fresh protest march.

Hunger striker Prarameswaran Subramaniam

The march - led by student groups - will start at the Embankment and will end in Green Park.

A group of about 500 Tamil supporters have been occupying London's Parliament Square for five days.

Two of the protesters - Sivatharsan Sivakumaraval, 21, and Prarameswaran Subramaniam, 28 - have been on a hunger strike since Monday, but now Mr Sivakumaraval has agreed to suspend his fast for 10 days.

Supporters feared the pair were close to suffering renal failure. On Friday night both men agreed to take liquids after politicians pledged to help them take part in talks on the plight of the Tamils living in Sri Lanka.

Lib Dem MP Simon Hughes is trying to arrange for a delegation of protesters to travel to the UN, Washington and Brussels along with MPs for political talks.

Tamil supporters want to see a ceasefire and the delivery of humanitarian aid to civilians in the designated "safe zone" in the north of the country.

Mr Hughes said Mr Sivakumaraval had agreed to accept some food providing he was allowed to accompany Des Browne, the Government's special envoy to Sri Lanka, to the talks.

According to Mr Hughes, Mr Sivakumaraval was also hoping to speak at a rally following Saturday's march.

He also said the protesters had received police permission to continue their occupation of Parliament Square for another 48 hours and would apply for it to be extended into next week.

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