Super Puma grounded in safety alert

A SUPER Puma helicopter was grounded on a North Sea platform yesterday, just hours after the fleet was returned to service.

GROUNDED: A helicopter like the one that was grounded

The aircraft had just taken off from Total’s North Alwyn platform en route to Aberdeen when crew were alerted to an “oil related” problem.

Its pilot decided to return as a precaution, and it landed safely at 10am yesterday.

The Super Puma involved was an L2 type – the same model that crashed into the North Sea earlier this month, killing all 16 men on board.

The helicopters returned to the air yesterday morning after being grounded last week for urgent safety work to be carried out in the wake of the tragedy.

Sixteen passengers and two crew on the CHC-operated helicopter have been forced to stay on the oil rig while urgent checks are carried out.

The incident came as calls for a North Sea safety summit were backed by delegates at the STUC conference in Perth.


And yesterday it emerged a leading London-based QC who is representing the families of the two RAF crewmen blamed for the 1994 Chinook crash on the Mull of Kintyre has offered to represent relatives of the men who died in the North Sea.

Michael Powers, who specialises in aviation and medical negligence cases, says he will act for free if families of the Super Puma victims decide to sue the aircraft’s operator, Bond, or its French manufacturer, Eurocopter.

Meanwhile, Jake Molloy, regional organiser of the RMT union, confirmed he had been approached by two US law firms offering to represent the families.

Speaking at the STUC conference, he said legal action was “inevitable”.

Dundee’s Lord Provost John Letford and representatives of Dundee and Dundee United football clubs were among hundreds of mourners who yesterday paid tribute to Nairn Ferrier, of Broughty Ferry, as his funeral took place at Dundee Crematorium.


Father-of-two Mr Ferrier, survived by his wife Katherine, worked for KCA Deutag Drilling.He celebrated his 40th birthday recently.

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