Hunt’s scheme to integrate health and social care ‘must show the benefits’

GOVERNMENT plans to integrate health and social care in England are in danger of being undermined by public distrust and suspicion, MPs have warned.


Government must reverse 'a climate of suspicion' in health and social care (Image: GETTY)

A report released by the Commons Health and Social Care Committee acknowledges that better coordination between hospitals, GPs and other health services is essential to improve patient care. 

But it claims the Government has failed to set out a “clear and compelling explanation” for why reforms are needed, fuelling “a climate of suspicion”. 

The report said: “Understanding of these changes has been hampered by poor communication and a confusing acronym spaghetti of changing titles and terminology, poorly understood even by those working within the system. 

National and local leaders need to do better in making the case for change and how these new reforms are relevant to those who rely on services.


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Any effort to transform care will flounder unless it can demonstrate that patients and their families will benefit


“Any effort to transform care will flounder unless it can demonstrate that patients and their families will benefit.” 

The integration of services was one of seven principles for improving health services outlined by Jeremy Hunt, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, in March. 

He stressed the importance of making sure patients have just one plan that covers all their care needs, rather than being “passed from pillar to post”. 

But the Committee has warned that the Government’s ambition for reforms is not matched by either the time or resources required to deliver them.

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