BMW joins Airbus in Brexit threat saying a no-deal scenario will bear 'SEVERE' consequence

BMW and Unipart joined Airbus in its Brexit threat to the Government warning “busloads of jobs” could disappear into Europe should the UK leave the European Union without a deal.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

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Ian Robertson, the boss of BMW UK, said the company would have to make contingency plans within months if the government didn’t soon clarify its post-Brexit strategy.

Urging Theresa May’s Cabinet to unveil their preferred position on customs and trade, he said: "If we don't get clarity in the next couple of months we have to start making those contingency plans, which means making the UK less competitive than it is in a very competitive world right now.

“That is a decisive issue that ultimately could damage this industry.”

This is not the first time the UK branch of Germany’s car giant BMW, which employs about 8,000 people in Britain, speaks against Brexit.

BMW had previously warned Mrs May the company had to remain “flexible” about production facilities. 

John Neill, CEO of car parts supplier Unipart, joined BMW in its complaint against the government.

The chief of Unipart, which employs 6,000 people in Britain, said that a frictionless supply chain was crucial for all businesses in the UK.

Mr Neill said: “The implications for the British economy are very, very severe and could result in busloads of jobs disappearing into Europe.”

Juergen Maier, CEO of the UK arm of German engineer Siemens, also chimed in, saying executives were frustrated that details on the final post-Brexit arrangements were still unclear two years after the EU referendum.

Issuing a thinly-veiled threat to the government, he said companies would take “different investment decisions” in a no-deal scenario. 

brexit news bmw airbus unipart threat to leave UK no deal brexit

BMW UK, manufacturers of Mini and Rolls Royce cars, warned the government over Brexit (Image: GETTY)

Downing Street said it was “listening” to the companies’ concerns.

A spokeswoman said: “We are confident we are going to get a good deal that ensures that trade is as free and frictionless as possible.”

The latest stir between UK businesses and Downing Street follows the stark warning issued by aerospace company Airbus.

The company’s CEO Tom Williams said yesterday that Brexit would have "severe negative consequences for the UK aerospace industry and Airbus in particular”.

And he warned thousands of British jobs could be at risk in a no-deal Brexit scenario. 

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brexit news bmw airbus unipart threat to leave UK no deal brexit

A spokesperson for No10 said the government was 'listening' to companies' concerns (Image: GETTY)

He said: “In total, Airbus generates 100,000 jobs in the UK.

“We’re saying to our employees that clearly we’re frustrated, concerned by the situation and particularly the lack of clarity and certainly my own personal position is we’ve got a great operation in the UK.

“It is my responsibility to protect that and to protect our employees and we’re doing this on their behalf.

“We’ve got to get clarity. We’ve got to be able to protect our employees, our customers and our shareholders and we can’t do that in the current situation.” 

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