Motorists to face fresh penalties if they drive too close to bikes to crackdown accidents

MOTORISTS have been warned they face fresh penalties for driving too close to bicycles in a bid to make roads safer to cyclists and encourage Britons to cycle more.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Transport for London offer cyclist safety tips

The government has issued fresh penalties for motorists caught overtaking bikes and leaving less than 1.5 metres space.

Police forces in West Midlands And Cambridgeshire have already started issuing £100 fines and three penalty points for drivers who do not respect the distance.

Transport Minister Jesse Norman announced on Friday more forces will be trained to ensure “more drivers are made aware of the need to leave safe distances when overtaking cyclists”.

The fresh penalties come as the Department for Transport injected £500k of funding into a new safety scheme to encourage more people to use bikes and reduce the number of incidents on British roads. 

Funds will be drawn from this scheme to fund more lessons for learner drivers focused on how to identify safe passing distances.

Speaking at a cycling conference in Manchester today, Mr Norman said: “The benefits of cycling and walking are enormous.

“We shouldn’t only concentrate on catching and punishing drivers when they make a mistake but try to ensure that they have the skills and knowledge to drive safely alongside cyclists in all conditions.”

Research by Cycling UK found 56 percent of people surveyed, do not cycle because they are afraid of motorists. 

motors news drive too close cyclists three points licence fine new law

More than half of Britons surveyed don't cycle because they fear dangerous drivers (Image: GETTY)

motors news drive too close cyclists three points licence fine new law

The Department for Transport injected £500k of funding into a new safety scheme (Image: GETTY)

And a study by Rachel Aldred, who teaches Transport at the Westminster University’s MSc Transport Planning and Management, suggests that cyclists experience one close pass every 10 to 20 miles.

The Highway Code, a guide gathering information and rules to be followed by all road users in the UK, does not state a minimum distance between cars and bikes, only instructing drivers to leave “plenty of room”.

But many countries have ruled the gaps between cars and bikes must be of at least a metre on local roads and 1.5 metres on faster routes. 

motors news drive too close cyclists three points licence fine new law

Dangerous motorists face £100 fines and three penalty points (Image: GETTY)

The Department for Transport are currently debating whether it should introduce a set minimum distance for overtaking cyclists in the UK as well.

In the West Midlands, where undercover police officers on bikes have been cycling around since September 2016 wearing helmet-mounted cameras to catch careless drivers, the number of near-misses was halved.

And the number of cyclist being seriously hurt on the road dropped by 20 percent. 

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