Theresa May faces 'GUERRILLA WAR' from Tories attempting to KILL Chequers Soft Brexit plan

THERESA May is being threatened with a “guerrilla war” by Eurosceptic Tory MPs who are hellbent on killing the Chequers’ Soft Brexit plan.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Alan Sked: Theresa May should have walked away months ago

The Prime Minister should expect one resignation every day until Parliament goes into recess in two weeks time, according to an anonymous source.

The source said: “This is not going to stop, we want the Chequers plan killed, and we want it killed now. This is guerrilla war.”

Another told the Daily Mail some ministers are choosing to stay in Government “by the skin of their teeth”.

If confirmed, this aggressive move would be launched by Brexit-backing Conservative MPs furious at the outcome of last Friday’s Chequers meeting. 

And it would follow claims the prime minister has been given a one-week deadline to come up with a new, harder Brexit deal to put forward to parliament before being subjected to a vote of no-confidence.

This is not going to stop, we want the Chequers plan killed, and we want it killed now. This is guerrilla war

A source

To trigger the vote, which could bring a new leader into the Tory party, Conservative MPs need to submit 48 letters to the chairman of the backbench 1922 Committee.

A group of Eurosceptics claimed yesterday they reached the number, according to the Daily Telegraph.

A first letter of no-confidence submitted to the powerful committee was made public yesterday. 

Andrew Bridgen, MP for North West Leicestershire, launched a scathing attack against Mrs May, accusing the Prime Minister “insulting” the voters’ intelligence.

In a letter to Sir Graham Brady, chairman of the Conservative Party's 1922 Committee, he wrote: "All we have asked from the Prime Minister is that she sticks to what she has promised on repeated occasions when she declared that 'Brexit means Brexit' and pledged to take back control of our money, borders and laws.

theresa may brexit news no confidence vote tory resignation chequers plan soft brexit

Theresa May is being threatened by Eurosceptic Tory MPs with a 'guerrilla war' (Image: GETTY)

"But now it appears those promises are all a pretence and a charade intended to dupe the electorate, which is an insult to their intelligence.

"Therefore, in the interests of our country and the future of the Conservative Party, I feel the time has come for a new leader and so I am writing this letter to inform you that I have no confidence in the Prime Minister." 

Following the shocking resignation of David Davis on Sunday night, four more Tories decided to follow his lead.

On Monday, both Mr Davis’s deputy, Brexit Under-Secretary Steve Baker and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson left the government, saying they could not back the Brexit plan voted at Chequers. 

theresa may brexit news no confidence vote tory resignation chequers plan soft brexit

David Davis resigned on Sunday night over the Chequers' Soft Brexit plan (Image: GETTY)

And on Tuesday two Conservative party vice-chairs, Maria Caulfield and Ben Bradley MP, also resigned.

And the backlash over the Chequers plan also reached members of Mrs May’s staff.

Former chief of staff to David Davis Stewart Jackson said Oliver Robbins, the prime minister’s top EU adviser, wanted a “Hotel California Brexit” where Britain checks out but never leaves.

Parliament is expected to vote on Brexit issues next week, including the Trade and the Customs Bills. 

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