Trump UK visit: When will the President meet the Queen today? Where will they meet?

DONALD Trump is in the UK for his first official visit since becoming US President. What time will he meet with the Queen today?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

The Queen and Donald Trump

Donald Trump is meeting with the Queen today as part of his first visit to the UK (Image: AFP/GETTY)

President Trump arrived in the UK yesterday, touching down in Stansted Airport for his first official visit since becoming president in 2016. 

So far he has spent his time with the Prime Minister, attending a black-tie dinner last night at Blenheim Palace with First Lady Melania. 

On his arrival, the President was treated to a display of military prowess from Scottish, Irish and Welsh Guards. 

Mr Trump also visited Winfield House in Regents Park yesterday, home to the American Ambassador.

Today the president will attend a working lunch with Theresa May at her country home Chequers, before hosting a joint press conference. 

When will the President meet with the Queen today?

After a press conference with Theresa May, President Trump and first lady Melania will be travelling to meet the Queen. 

They will meet with the Queen this afternoon and will have tea in one of her residences. 

Theresa May and Donald Trump shake hands before Chequers talk

This will be the first meeting between the current US President and Queen Elizabeth, although the monarch is no stranger to hosting foreign dignitaries. 

Donald Trump has spoken highly of the Queen, telling The Sun that she is “a tremendous woman”.

Where will Trump meet the Queen?

President Trump and First Lady Melania will travel to Windsor Castle to spend the afternoon with the Queen. 

Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest inhabited castles in the world, as well as a favourite of the Queen. 

Donald Trump met with Theresa May toady

Donald Trump met with Theresa May at her country home Chequers (Image: REUTERS)

They will first meet at the dais in the castle’s Quadrangle, located in the Upper Ward.

The Queen has hosted four US presidents in Windsor Castle during her reign, first Ronald Reagan in 1982, then George W Bush in 2008 and most recently Barack Obama in 2016.

The only president during the Queen’s reign who hasn’t been hosted in Windsor Castle was Lyndon B Johnson, who didn’t visit the UK whilst in office. 

In honour of the president's visit, a Guard of Honour, the Coldstream Guards, will play the US national anthem and give a Royal Salute. 

One of the British Army’s longest serving units, the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards is one of the best-known and oldest military marching bands in the world. 

President Trump and the Queen will watch the Guard of Honour as they march past. 

They will then retire inside the castle for afternoon tea in one of the Queen's drawing rooms. 

Following their meeting with the Queen, President Trump and Melania have plans to fly to Scotland for the remainder of their stay in the UK. 

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