Hosepipe ban: Why was the United Utilities ban called off? Is there a hosepipe ban?

A HOSEPIPE ban due to come into effect on August 5 has been called off by United Utilities, but why was the ban called off? Is there a hosepipe ban?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Hosepipe ban 2018

United Utilities have announced their August 5 hosepipe ban has been called off (Image: GETTY)

United Utilities have called off the upcoming hosepipe ban, which was due to affect seven million people when it came into effect on August 5. 

Heatwave conditions had caused reservoirs to run low, resulting in deminished water supply for those in the north-west.

There had been anger at the proposed ban, following the revelation that United Utilities was one of the worst water companies in terms of leaks. 

Research from the GMB union showed that United Utilities were wasting 430 million litres of water every day from leakages.

This staggering amount equates to 175 Olympic-sized swimming pools’ worth of water. 

In response to this a United Utilities spokesman said: “Reducing leaks is a top priority. We have cut leakage by half since the 1990s and are working hard to do even more."

The north-western water company have announced today that there is no longer a need for a hosepipe ban. 

Why was the ban called off? 

In a statement on their website, United Utilities have said that cooler temperatures in recent days accompanied by rainfall have eased the demand for water. 

HOSEPIPE BAN: United Utilities say 'we had no other choice'

They have also thanked customers for their efforts in working to save water.

Dr Martin Padley, United Utilities Water Services Director, said: “We would like to thank all of our customers who have helped in recent weeks by saving water wherever they can around the home and in the garden. 

“Our leakage teams are working 24 hours a day to find and repair as many leaks as possible and we have been moving water around our network.

"We have also been making operational interventions such as installation of new pumping stations, pumping between reservoirs, bringing ground water sources into use and prioritising maintenance to help ensure supplies have not been interrupted during the prolonged hot spell.

“Given the improved position, helped by recent rainfall, we do not want to inconvenience customers unnecessarily at this time."

Reservoir levels

The dried up bed of Wayoh Reservoir near Bolton (Image: GETTY)

However, customers should be wary as the long range Met Office forecast predicts more hot dry weather so  "future restrictions are still a possibility if more rain doesn’t arrive," says Dr Padley.

“In the meantime, we are continuing to step up our own response and over the coming weeks you will see our teams out and about, bringing additional water supplies on line and fixing even more leaks. 

"We are working closely with the Environment Agency in monitoring the water resources situation and we still urge our customers to please help us by using water wisely where they can.”  

The weather is predicted to remain hot well into August, which whilst a treat for the UK, can have a detrimental impact on reservoir levels. 

As the weather hots up and less rain falls to replenish reservoirs, the demand for water increases. 

The first half of the UK's summer has been the driest since 1961, with temperatures reaching in excess of 30C.

To conserve water during hot weather, water companies such as Thames Water have asked for customers to take four minute showers and use watering cans instead of hoses in the garden. 

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