Multiple passengers pass out on plane with no air conditioning despite 44 degree heat

Multiple passengers passed out while waiting for a Delta flight to take off amid scorching temperatures on the tarmac in Las Vegas.

By Matthew Dooley, World News Editor

Plane passengers stuck on plane for over 2 hours without A.C.

Several people passed out on a Delta flight Monday as it was waiting to take off from .

The plane reportedly didn’t have air conditioning despite the 44 C (111 F) degree heat.

Passengers aboard the flight to Atlanta were waiting in line on the runway behind more than a dozen other planes attempting to take off when the pilot announced they would have to turn back due to multiple emergencies, according to a Fox News report which cited producer Krista Garvin, who was on the flight.

Flight attendants were seen running up and down the aisle with oxygen to assist passengers who had passed out. Some had reportedly soiled themselves.

“Paramedics are on now. I’ve seen a total of three people wheeled out so far. Oxygen tanks are being pulled out. They said to press your call button if you need medical assistance. Babies are screaming [and] crying. They’re handing out sandwiches to the diabetics,” Garvin said of the situation in a Tweet.

Some passengers were given oxygen during the harrowing ordeal.

Some passengers were given oxygen during the harrowing ordeal. (Image: Fox News)

She claimed that after nearly three hours on the plane, the aircraft was turned around due to people passing out.

Once at the gate, passengers were told the plane had been delayed further because crew members had fallen ill.

“[We] can get off but there isn’t another flight out to ATL for days. This is actually nuts.” Garvin said. She added: “I am just shook.”

Ambulances were on the scene to assist passengers who passed out.

Ambulances were on the scene to assist passengers who passed out. (Image: Fox News)

The news comes as the Southwest experiences one of the worst heatwaves in living memory.

Las Vegas hit 44 C (111 F) again today while Phoenix was set to break yesterday’s record by reaching 20 consecutive days over 43 C (110 F).

The temperature in the Arizona city of 1.6 million was expected to top 48 C (118 F) on Thursday.

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