Ukrainian forces 'breakthrough' Russian defences near nuclear plant in 'massive assault'

Ukraine's forces have "broken through" some Russian defences about 60 miles east of Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant as Kyiv commits large numbers of its forces to the southern front.

By Matthew Dooley, World News Editor

Ukraine: Aftermath of Russian missile attacks on Odesa

Ukrainian forces have launched a large "mechanised counteroffensive" in Zaporizhzhia which has smashed through some "pre-prepared defensive positions", according to a think-tank covering the war.

The assault took place in Robotyne - roughly 60 miles east of the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.

“Russian sources, including the Russian Ministry of Defence and several prominent mil bloggers, claimed that Ukrainian forces launched an intense frontal assault towards Robotyne and broke through Russian defensive positions northeast of the settlement,” ISW said in its latest update.

The think-tank said Ukrainian forces were later pushed back but had still managed to gain some ground as of yesterday evening.

Russian sources claimed the assault involved three battalions of Ukrainian soldiers and up to 80 vehicles, however, ISW cautioned it was too early to confirm those numbers.

Russian sources claim Ukraine launched a 'massive assault' in Zaporizhzhia.

Russian sources claim Ukraine launched a 'massive assault' in Zaporizhzhia. (Image: AP)

“The Russian MoD claimed that up to three battalions engaged in a ‘massive assault’ near Orikhiv, but ISW has not yet observed visual evidence to suggest that such a large number of personnel (a full brigade) were involved in the attack,” the think-tank added.

The report continued: “One prominent Russian mil blogger claimed that Ukrainian forces used over 80 armoured vehicles, and other mil bloggers more conservatively claimed that the number was closer to between 30 and 40.“

Ukraine’s President Zelensky appeared to comment on the win for Ukraine in his nightly address to the nation.

He said: “By the way, today our boys had very good results at the front. Good for them! Details will follow.”

For the most part, Kyiv has kept quiet on the potential developments in the area but the General Staff noted forces on the southern front were “consolidating their positions, and firing for effect” while Moscow’s troops were “focusing preventing further advance of Ukrainian troops”.

A significant breakthrough in the south of the country could see Ukrainian forces push to the Black Sea via Melitopol.

If that happens, Russian forces in the country will effectively be cut in half with those in Kherson and Crimea relying on the Kerch Bridge for resupply.

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