NASA space station junk smashes through terrified homeowner's roof

The cylindrical object that tore through the home was subsequently taken to the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral for analysis.

A piece of 'space junk' smashed through a Florida home. (Image: NASA via AP)

NASA has confirmed that a mystery object that wreaked havoc in a Florida home by crashing through its roof originated from the International Space Station.


The peculiar occurrence took place in Naples, Florida, last month. The cylindrical object was analyzed at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral after smashing through the roof

According to NASA's reports, the object was a metal bracket used to attach discarded batteries onto a waste pallet.

With this pallet being ejected from the space station in 2021, the expectation was for the load to burn up completely upon entering Earth's atmosphere, but a piece survived against all odds.

The piece was taken to the Kennedy Space Center (Image: Getty)

The surviving metal chunk weighed in at 1.6 pounds, standing at 4 inches tall and approximately 1 1/2 inches wide. Alejandro Otero, owner of the affected house, informed television station WINK that he was on vacation during the incident only to be notified by his son about what had happened.

He hurried home to find the object had damaged both his ceiling and flooring.

"I was shaking. I was completely in disbelief. What are the chances of something landing on my house with such force to cause so much damage," Otero exclaimed. "I'm super grateful that nobody got hurt."

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